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Saturday, 30 March 2024

New imaging method illuminates oxygen's journey in the brain

A new bioluminescence imaging technique has created highly detailed, and visually striking, images of the movement of oxygen in the brains of mice. The method, which can be easily replicated by other labs, will enable researchers to more precisely study forms of hypoxia in the brain, such as the denial of oxygen to the brain that occurs during a stroke or heart attack. The new research tool is already providing insight into why a sedentary lifestyle may increase risk for diseases like Alzheimer's.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

DNA study IDs descendants of George Washington from unmarked remains, findings to aid service member IDs going back to World War II

New DNA sequencing technologies have identified the historical remains of George Washington's grandnephews, Samuel Walter Washington and George Steptoe Washington Jr., and their mother, Lucy Payne Washington, from unmarked, fragmentary bones left at the Harewood family cemetery in Charles Town, West Virginia, in the mid-1800s.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Friday, 29 March 2024

Cell division quality control 'stopwatch' uncovered

Biologists have uncovered a quality control timing mechanism tied to cell division. The 'stopwatch' function keeps track of mitosis and acts as a protective measure when the process takes too long, preventing the formation of cancerous cells.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Thursday, 28 March 2024

Alcohol raises heart disease risk, particularly among women

Young to middle-aged women who reported drinking eight or more alcoholic beverages per week--more than one per day, on average--were significantly more likely to develop coronary heart disease compared with those who drank less, finds a study presented at the American College of Cardiology's Annual Scientific Session. The risk was highest among both men and women who reported heavy episodic drinking, or 'binge' drinking, and the link between alcohol and heart disease appears to be especially strong among women, according to the findings.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

'Cosmic cannibals' expel jets into space at 40 percent the speed of light

Astronomers have measured the speed of fast-moving jets in space, crucial to star formation and the distribution of elements needed for life. The jets of matter, expelled by stars deemed 'cosmic cannibals', were measured to travel at over one-third of the speed of light -- thanks to a groundbreaking new experiment.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Mechanism found to determine which memories last

Neuroscientists have established in recent decades the idea that some of each day's experiences are converted by the brain into permanent memories during sleep the same night. Now, a new study proposes a mechanism that determines which memories are tagged as important enough to linger in the brain until sleep makes them permanent.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Wednesday, 27 March 2024

Evolution of the most powerful ocean current on Earth

The Antarctic Circumpolar Current plays an important part in global overturning circulation, the exchange of heat and CO2 between the ocean and atmosphere, and the stability of Antarctica's ice sheets. An international research team has now used sediments taken from the South Pacific to reconstruct the flow speed in the last 5.3 million years. Their data show that during glacial periods, the current slowed; during interglacials, it accelerated. Consequently, if the current global warming intensifies in the future, it could mean that the Southern Ocean stores less CO2 and that more heat reaches Antarctica.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Scientists extract genetic secrets from 4,000-year-old teeth to illuminate the impact of changing human diets over the centuries

Researchers have recovered remarkably preserved microbiomes from two teeth dating back 4,000 years, found in an Irish limestone cave. Genetic analyses of these microbiomes reveal major changes in the oral microenvironment from the Bronze Age to today. The teeth both belonged to the same male individual and also provided a snapshot of his oral health.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Tuesday, 26 March 2024

Researchers show that introduced tardigrade proteins can slow metabolism in human cells

Tardigrade proteins are potential candidates in technologies centered on slowing the aging process and in long-term storage of human cells.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Beethoven's genes reveal low predisposition for beat synchronization

Ludwig van Beethoven, one of the most celebrated musicians in human history, has a rather low genetic predisposition for beat synchronization, according to a new study.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Common household chemicals pose new threat to brain health, study finds

Researchers have provided fresh insight into the dangers some common household chemicals pose to brain health. They suggest that chemicals found in a wide range of items, from furniture to hair products, may be linked to neurological conditions.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Monday, 25 March 2024

More exposure to artificial, bright, outdoor night-time light linked to higher stroke risk

Air pollution and night-time outdoor light each were associated with harmful effects on brain health, finds new study.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Astronomers discover 49 new galaxies in under three hours

New work aimed to study the star-forming gas in a single radio galaxy. Although the team didn't find any star-forming gas in the galaxy they were studying, they instead discovered other galaxies while inspecting the data. In total, the gas of 49 galaxies was detected.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Rays were more diverse 150 million years ago than previously thought

Scientists have explored the puzzling world of rays that lived 150 million years ago and discovered a previously hidden diversity -- including a new ray species. This study significantly expands the understanding of these ancient cartilaginous fish and provides further insights into a past marine ecosystem.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Stem cell model offers first glimpse of early human embryonic development

The new platform's ethically grounded approach promises to reveal much about how human embryos form during the earliest stages of pregnancy.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Scientists explore complex pattern of tipping points in the Atlantic's current system

New mathematical modeling of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation -- a system of ocean currents -- shows greater complexity than previously thought. Researchers have revealed a hierarchy of irreversible 'tipping points.'

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Research uncovers a rare resin fossil find: A spider that aspires to be an ant

Spiders that disguise themselves as ants live in many locations around the globe but until now most had been able to avoid detection from fossil researchers as well as predators.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Sunday, 24 March 2024

Decoding the plant world's complex biochemical communication networks

A research team has begun translating the complex molecular language of petunias. Their grammar and vocabulary are well hidden, however, within the countless proteins and other compounds that fill floral cells. Being rooted to the ground, plants can't run away from insects, pathogens or other threats to their survival. But plant scientists have long known that they do send warnings to each other via scent chemicals called volatile organic compounds.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Optical Illusion: आपकी भी हैं तेज आंखें, तो 15 सेकंड में ढूंढ निकालिए तस्वीर में छिपा उल्लू

आज के लाइफस्टाइल में समय-समय पर दिमाग की एक्सरसाइज करते रहना काफी जरूरी है। इससे आपकी रीजनिंग और ऑब्जरवेशनल स्किल्स स्ट्रांग होती हैं। आज का ऑप्टिकल इल्यूजन भी इस मामले में बेहद खास है। यहां हम आपके लिए खंडहर की एक तस्वीर लेकर आए हैं जिसमें एक उल्लू छिपा हुआ है और इसे खोजकर निकालने के लिए आपको मिलेंगे सिर्फ 15 सेकंड।

from Jagran Hindi News - news:oddnews

Friday, 22 March 2024

Keto diet prevents early memory decline in mice

A new study shows the keto diet prevents early memory decline in mice. A molecule in the diet plays a key role in slowing Alzheimer's disease.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Thursday, 21 March 2024

Genetic basis for the evolution of hair discovered in the clawed frog

The development of hair was of central importance for the evolution of mammals and thus also of humans. However, the evolutionary origin of the genetic program of hair was previously unknown. Researchers have now been able to show that important hair components and their genetic control have already evolved in amphibians. Human hair therefore shows unexpected similarities to the claws of clawed frogs.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Wednesday, 20 March 2024

Rise in global fungal drug-resistant infections

A global wave of infections caused by fungi growing drug-resistant has the medical community issuing precautions on how to protect yourself.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

New technique helps AI tell when humans are lying

Researchers have developed a new training tool to help artificial intelligence (AI) programs better account for the fact that humans don't always tell the truth when providing personal information. The new tool was developed for use in contexts when humans have an economic incentive to lie, such as applying for a mortgage or trying to lower their insurance premiums.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

8-hour time-restricted eating linked to a 91% higher risk of cardiovascular death

A study of over 20,000 adults found that those who followed an 8-hour time-restricted eating schedule, a type of intermittent fasting, had a 91% higher risk of death from cardiovascular disease.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Tuesday, 19 March 2024

Landmark study shows that 'transcendent' thinking may grow teens' brains over time

Scientists find that adolescents who grapple with the bigger meaning of social situations experience greater brain growth, which predicts stronger identity development and life satisfaction years later.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Monday, 18 March 2024

New research suggests that our universe has no dark matter

A new study challenges the current model of the universe by showing that, in fact, it has no room for dark matter.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Optical Illusion: अगर आप भी मानते हैं कि चील से तेज हैं आपकी आंखे, तो तस्वीर में छिपे डाइस को खोजें

ऑप्टिकल इल्यूजन हल करने से आपका दिमाग एक्टिव होता है। इल्यूजन का मतलब होता है छलावा और इस गेम में तस्वी के जरिए आपके दिमाग को छलने की ही कोशिश की जाती है। आज हम आपके लिए एक ऐसा ही चैलेंज लाए हैं जिसे हल करने में आपको काफी मजा आने वाला है। जानें क्या है आज के ऑप्टिकल इल्यूजन का चैलेंज।

from Jagran Hindi News - news:oddnews

Optical Illusion: घास चरती गाय की इन दो तस्वीरों में हैं '5 अंतर', 30 सेकंड में खोजकर दिखाइए अपनी होशियारी

ऑप्टिकल इल्यूजन एक मजेदार गेम है जिसमें हम जो देखते हैं सच्चाई उसके उलट होती है। आई क्यू जांचने से लेकर आंखों और दिमाग का टेस्ट लेने तक ये हर मामले में बढ़िया होता है। ऐसे में आज जो चैलेंज हम आपके लिए लेकर आए हैं उसमें आपको घास चरती गाय की दो तस्वीरों में छिपे 5 अंतर को 30 सेकंड में ढूंढकर निकालना है।

from Jagran Hindi News - news:oddnews

Sunday, 17 March 2024

Optical Illusion: अगर आप मानते हैं खुद को ऑप्टिकल इल्यूजन का धुरंधर, तो ढूंढ़कर दिखाएं तस्वीर में छिपा बंदर

जितनी जरूरी शारीरिक एक्सरसाइज करना है उतना ही जरूरी दिमाग को एक्सरसाइज करवाना भी है। इसलिए हम आपके लिए आज एक खास ऑप्टिकल इल्यूजन लाए हैं जिसे हल करने में आपके पसीने छूट जाएंगे लेकिन एक बात पक्की है कि मजा बहुत आएगा। इसे हल करने से आपके दिमाग की एक्सरसाइज भी हो जाएगी। जानें क्या है हमारे आज के ऑप्टिकल इल्यूजन का चैलेंज।

from Jagran Hindi News - news:oddnews

Saturday, 16 March 2024

Optical Illusion: कुकिंग सीख रही बच्ची की इन दो तस्वीरों में हैं 3 अंतर, क्या 30 सेकंड में ढूंढ पाएंगे आप?

दिमाग को फास्ट और चौकन्ना बनाने के लिए कई तरह के गेम्स होते हैं। इन्हीं में से एक है ऑप्टिकल इल्यूजन जिसे हल करने में अच्छे-अच्छों के पसीने छूट जाते हैं। ऐसे में अगर आप भी ये मानते हैं कि आपकी आंखें और दिमाग सबसे तेज है तो आइए पूरा करके दिखाइए हमारा आज का यह चैलेंज। इसका जवाब ढूंढने के लिए आपको मिलेगा 30 सेकंड का समय।

from Jagran Hindi News - news:oddnews

Friday, 15 March 2024

A new world of 2D material is opening up

Materials that are incredibly thin, only a few atoms thick, exhibit unique properties that make them appealing for energy storage, catalysis and water purification. Researchers have now developed a method that enables the synthesis of hundreds of new 2D materials.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Thursday, 14 March 2024

New AI technology enables 3D capture and editing of real-life objects

Imagine performing a sweep around an object with your smartphone and getting a realistic, fully editable 3D model that you can view from any angle -- this is fast becoming reality, thanks to advances in AI. Researchers have unveiled new AI technology for doing exactly this. Soon, rather than merely taking 2D photos, everyday consumers will be able to take 3D captures of real-life objects and edit their shapes and appearance as they wish, just as easily as they would with regular 2D photos today.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Wednesday, 13 March 2024

Giant volcano discovered on Mars

A deeply eroded giant volcano, active from ancient through recent times and with possible remnants of glacier ice near its base, had been hiding near Mars' equator in plain sight. Its discovery points to an exciting new place to search for life, and a potential destination for future robotic and human exploration.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

AI-generated food images look tastier than real ones

Researchers have announced an intriguing discovery -- consumers generally prefer AI-generated images of food over real food images, especially when they are unaware of their true nature.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

A coral superhighway in the Indian Ocean

Despite being scattered across more than a million square kilometers, new research has revealed that remote coral reefs across the Seychelles are closely related. Using genetic analyses and oceanographic modelling, researchers demonstrated for the first time that a network of ocean currents scatter significant numbers of larvae between these distant islands, acting as a 'coral superhighway.'

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Tuesday, 12 March 2024

Scientists propose new theory that explains sand ripples on Mars and on Earth

Sand ripples are symmetrical. Yet wind -- which causes them -- is very much not. Furthermore, sand ripples can be found on Mars and on Earth. They would be even more fascinating if the same effect found on Mars could be found here on Earth as well. What if one unified theory could explain their formation on both planets?

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Cheetahs' unrivalled speed explained by their 'sweet spot' size, finds Imperial study

A new study has answered a long-held question about why medium-sized land animals like cheetahs tend to be fastest.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Peering into the tendrils of NGC 604 with NASA's Webb

The formation of stars and the chaotic environments they inhabit is one of the most well-studied, but also mystery-shrouded, areas of cosmic investigation. The intricacies of these processes are now being unveiled like never before by NASA's James Webb Space Telescope.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Lemon Price: भारत के इस मंदिर में 35 हजार रुपये में नीलाम हुआ एक नींबू, भला ऐसा क्या था खास?

नींबू ज्यादा से ज्यादा कितना महंगा हो सकता है? आज हम आपको एक इतने महंगे नींबू के बारे में बताएंगे जिसके बारे में जानकर आपका भी मन इसका दीदार करने की चाहत करेगा या फिर ये भी हो सकता है कि इतना ज्यादा रेट जानकर आपका माथा घूम जाए। आइए आपको नींबू की एक ऐसी नीलामी के बारे में बताते हैं जिसकी आपने कभी कल्पना भी नहीं की होगी।

from Jagran Hindi News - news:oddnews

Monday, 11 March 2024

Nasa’s Webb, Hubble telescopes affirm universe’s expansion rate, puzzle persists

When you are trying to solve one of the biggest conundrums in cosmology, you should triple check your homework. The puzzle, called the 'Hubble Tension,' is that the current rate of the expansion of the universe is faster than what astronomers expect it to be, based on the universe's initial conditions and our present understanding of the universe's evolution.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Rock weathering and climate: Low-relief mountain ranges are largest carbon sinks

For many hundreds of millions of years, the average temperature at the surface of the Earth has varied by not much more than 20 degrees Celsius, facilitating life on our planet. To maintain such stable temperatures, Earth appears to have a 'thermostat' that regulates the concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide over geological timescales, influencing global temperatures. The erosion and weathering of rocks are important parts of this 'thermostat.'

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Having self-control leads to power

Out-of-control behavior by CEOs and other powerful people constantly makes headlines -- so much so that some might consider impulsivity a pathway to power. New research finds that having self-control is often what leads to power.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Sunday, 10 March 2024

Making quantum bits fly

Physicists are developing a method that could enable the stable exchange of information in quantum computers. In the leading role: photons that make quantum bits 'fly'.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Optical Illusion: पढ़ाई कर रहे बच्चे की इन दो तस्वीरों में छिपे हैं 3 अंतर, क्या 15 सेकंड में खोज सकते हैं आप?

क्या आप भी अपनी आंखों को चील जैसा तेज मानते हैं? अगर हां तो आज का ये चैलेंज आप ही के लिए है। इसकी मदद से आपके दिमाग का भी टेस्ट हो जाएगा और आज के इस ऑप्टिकल इल्यूजन का जवाब खोजने में आपको मजा भी बहुत आएगा। इस गेम की मदद से आप अपने ऑब्जरवेशनल स्किल्स को भी मजबूत कर सकते हैं। आइए देख लीजिए आज का चैलेंज।

from Jagran Hindi News - news:oddnews

Saturday, 9 March 2024

Researchers develop artificial building blocks of life

For the first time, scientists have developed artificial nucleotides, the building blocks of DNA, with several additional properties in the laboratory.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Balancing training data and human knowledge makes AI act more like a scientist

When you teach a child how to solve puzzles, you can either let them figure it out through trial and error, or you can guide them with some basic rules and tips. Similarly, incorporating rules and tips into AI training -- such as the laws of physics --could make them more efficient and more reflective of the real world. However, helping the AI assess the value of different rules can be a tricky task.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Friday, 8 March 2024

New study reveals insight into which animals are most vulnerable to extinction due to climate change

In a new study, researchers have used the fossil record to better understand what factors make animals more vulnerable to extinction from climate change. The results could help to identify species most at risk today from human-driven climate change.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Loss of nature costs more than previously estimated

Researchers propose that governments apply a new method for calculating the benefits that arise from conserving biodiversity and nature for future generations.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Earth's earliest forest revealed in Somerset fossils

The oldest fossilized forest known on Earth -- dating from 390 million years ago -- has been found in the high sandstone cliffs along the Devon and Somerset coast of South West England.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Good news for coral reef restoration efforts: Study finds 'full recovery' of reef growth within four years

While the majority of the world's reefs are now under threat or even damaged potentially beyond repair, a new study offers some encouraging news: efforts to restore coral reefs not only increase coral cover, but they can also bring back important ecosystem functions, and surprisingly fast.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Thursday, 7 March 2024

Daily step count of 9,000 to 10,000 may counteract risk of death and cardiovascular disease in highly sedentary people

In good news for office workers, a new study from the University of Sydney, Australia has found increasing your step count may counteract the health consequences of too much sedentary time each day.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Bee-2-Bee influencing: Bees master complex tasks through social interaction

Bumblebees successfully learned a two-step puzzle box task through social observation. This task was too complex for individual bees to learn on their own. Observing trained demonstrator bees performing the first unrewarded step was crucial for successful social learning. Individual bees failed to solve the puzzle without previous demonstration, despite extensive exposure.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Wednesday, 6 March 2024

Discovery tests theory on cooling of white dwarf stars

Open any astronomy textbook to the section on white dwarf stars and you'll likely learn that they are 'dead stars' that continuously cool down over time. Astronomers are challenging this theory after discovering a population of white dwarf stars that stopped cooling for more than eight billion years.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Genetic mutation in a quarter of all Labradors hard-wires them for obesity

New research finds around a quarter of Labrador retriever dogs face a double-whammy of feeling hungry all the time and burning fewer calories due to a genetic mutation.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Do some electric fish sense the world through comrades' auras?

It would be a game-changer if all members of a basketball team could see out of each other's eyes in addition to their own. Biologists have found evidence that this kind of collective sensing occurs in close-knit groups of African weakly electric fish, also known as elephantnose fish. This instantaneous sharing of sensory intelligence could help the fish locate food, friends and foes.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Sinking land increases risk for thousands of coastal residents by 2050

A new study provides a new comprehensive look at the potential for flooding in a combined 32 cities along the Atlantic, Pacific, and Gulf coasts. It predicts as many as 500,000 people will be affected by flooding alongside 1 in 35 privately owned properties within the next three decades, and it highlights the racial and socioeconomic demographics of those potentially affected.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Tuesday, 5 March 2024

Fossil named 'Attenborough's strange bird' was the first in its kind without teeth

A new fossil, named 'Attenborough's strange bird' after naturalist and documentarian Sir David Attenborough, is the first of its kind to evolve a toothless beak. It's from a branch of the bird family tree that went extinct in the mass extinction 66 million years ago, and this strange bird is another puzzle piece that helps explain why some birds -- and their fellow dinosaurs -- went extinct, and others survived to today.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

An overgrowth of nerve cells appears to cause lingering symptoms after recurrent UTIs

A perplexing problem for people with recurring urinary tract infections (UTIs) is persistent pain, even after antibiotics have successfully cleared the bacteria. Now researchers have identified the likely cause -- an overgrowth of nerve cells in the bladder.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Humans have driven the Earth's freshwater cycle out of its stable state

New analysis shows that the global freshwater cycle has shifted far beyond pre-industrial conditions.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Monday, 4 March 2024

'Cosmic lighthouses' that cleared primordial fog identified with JWST

Scientists working with data from NASA's James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) have obtained the first full spectra of some of the earliest starlight in the universe. The images provide the clearest picture yet of very low-mass, newborn galaxies, created less than a billion years after the Big Bang, and suggest the tiny galaxies are central to the cosmic origin story.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Webb unlocks secrets of one of the most distant galaxies ever seen

Looking deeply into space and time, astronomers have studied the exceptionally luminous galaxy GN-z11, which existed when our 13.8 billion-year-old universe was only about 430 million years old.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Tests show high-temperature superconducting magnets are ready for fusion

A comprehensive study of high-temperature superconducting magnets confirms they meet requirements for an economic, compact fusion power plant.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Optical Illusion: लकड़ी के गट्ठर में छिपी है एक 'बिल्ली', क्या 10 सेकंड में ढूंढ पाएंगे आप?

अगर आप भी अपनी आंखों को तेज और दिमाग को फास्ट मानते हैं तो हम आपके लिए आज एक मजेदार चैलेंज लेकर आए हैं। इससे आप अपनी होशियारी का टेस्ट ले सकते हैं। आपको एक तस्वीर देखने को मिलेगी जिसका जवाब खोजने के लिए आपको मिलेगा सिर्फ 10 सेकंड का समय। आइए अब बिना देर किए देख लीजिए आज का दिलचस्प चैलेंज।

from Jagran Hindi News - news:oddnews

Sunday, 3 March 2024

The Golgi organelle's ribbon structure is not exclusive to vertebrates, contrary to previous consensus

Researchers report that the Golgi ribbon, an organelle structure previously thought to be exclusive to vertebrates, is also present in animal taxa, including mollusks, earthworms, and sea urchins. The function of the Golgi ribbon is still enigmatic, but its presence in diverse animal lineages indicates that its function is not vertebrate specific, as previously thought. The team also showed Golgi ribbons form at a specific timepoint during embryogenesis, which suggests that they might play a role in cell differentiation.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Orcas demonstrating they no longer need to hunt in packs to take down the great white shark

An orca (killer whale) has been observed, for the first-ever time, individually consuming a great white shark -- and within just two minutes.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Optical Illusion: एक से दिखने वाली इन तस्वीरों में हैं कुछ अंतर, क्या 6 सेकंड में खोज पाएंगे आप

ऑप्टिकल इल्यूजन को हल करना बहुत मुश्किल हो सकता है। इसे हल करने से दिमाग भी एक्टिव रहता है। इसलिए इसे रोज हल करने की कोशिश करनी चाहिए। शुरुआत में थोड़ी तकलीफ होगी लेकिन इसके बाद आप इसके एक्सपर्ट बन सकते हैं। आज का चैलेंज भी काफी इंटरेस्टिंग है। जानें क्या है ऑप्टिकल इल्यूजन का आज का मजेदार और दिलचस्प चैलेंज।

from Jagran Hindi News - news:oddnews

Optical Illusion: देना चाहते हैं अपनी तेज आंखों का परिचय, तो ढूंढ़ निकालें तस्वीर में छिपे 3 अंतर

अगर आपकी आंखों हैं चील से तेज और दिमाग है आइंस्टीन से तेज तो ऑप्टिकल इल्यूजन एक बहुत ही अच्छा चैलेंज है इसे परखने का। आज हम आपके लिए लेकर आए हैं एक ऐसा चैलेंज जिसको आपको मात्र 5 सेकंड में पूरा करना है। बिना और देर किए जानते हैं क्या है आज का चैलेंज...और आपका टाइम होता है स्टार्ट।

from Jagran Hindi News - news:oddnews

Friday, 1 March 2024

Astronomers measure heaviest black hole pair ever found

Using archival data from the Gemini North telescope, a team of astronomers has measured the heaviest pair of supermassive black holes ever found. The merging of two supermassive black holes is a phenomenon that has long been predicted, though never observed. This massive pair gives clues as to why such an event seems so unlikely in the Universe.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Scientists use blue-green algae as a surrogate mother for 'meat-like' proteins

Researchers have not only succeeded in using blue-green algae as a surrogate mother for a new protein -- they have even coaxed the microalgae to produce 'meat fiber-like' protein strands. The achievement may be the key to sustainable foods that have both the 'right' texture and require minimal processing.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily