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Thursday, 30 June 2022

Bacteria for blastoff: Using microbes to make supercharged new rocket fuel

Biofuel scientists used an oddball molecule made by bacteria to develop a new class of sustainable biofuels powerful enough to launch rockets. The candidate molecules have greater projected energy density than any petroleum product, including the leading aviation and rocket fuels, JetA and RP-1.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Gemini North spies ultra-faint fossil galaxy discovered on outskirts of Andromeda

An unusual ultra-faint dwarf galaxy has been discovered on the outer fringes of the Andromeda Galaxy thanks to the sharp eyes of an amateur astronomer. Follow-up by professional astronomers revealed that the dwarf galaxy -- Pegasus V -- contains very few heavier elements and is likely to be a fossil of the first galaxies.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

The hawk has landed: Braking mid-air to prioritize safety over energy or speed

New research using computer simulations and Hollywood-style motion capture shows how birds optimize their landing maneuvers for an accurate descent.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Scientists engineer synthetic DNA to study 'architect' genes

Researchers have created artificial Hox genes -- which plan and direct where cells go to develop tissues or organs -- using new synthetic DNA technology and genomic engineering in stem cells. Their findings confirm how clusters of Hox genes help cells to learn and remember where they are in the body.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Dissolving implantable device relieves pain without drugs

Researchers have developed a small, soft, flexible implant that relieves pain on demand and without the use of drugs. The first-of-its-kind device could provide a much-needed alternative to opioids and other highly addictive medications. It works by softly wrapping around nerves to deliver precise, targeted cooling, which numbs nerves and blocks pain signals to the brain. After the device is no longer needed, it naturally absorbs into the body -- bypassing the need for surgical extraction.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

How pandas survive solely on bamboo: Evolutionary history

An ancient fossil reveals the earliest panda to survive solely on bamboo and the evolutionary history of panda's false thumbs.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

बुलेट ट्रेन की रफ्तार में टिकट काटकर वृद्ध व्यक्ति ने बनाया अनोखा रिकॉर्ड, देखें वायरल वीडियो

इस वीडियो को भारतीय सेवा अधिकारी Mumbai Railway Users ने सोशल मीडिया ट्विटर पर अपने अकांउट से शेयर किया है। इसके कैप्शन में उन्होंने लिखा है-भारत में किसी रेलवे स्टेशन पर यह शख्स महज 15 सेकंट में 3 यात्रियों को टिकट दे रहे हैं।

from Jagran Hindi News - news:oddnews

Wednesday, 29 June 2022

Ice Age wolf DNA reveals dogs trace ancestry to two separate wolf populations

An international group of geneticists and archaeologists have found that the ancestry of dogs can be traced to at least two populations of ancient wolves. The work moves us a step closer to uncovering the mystery of where dogs underwent domestication, one of the biggest unanswered questions about human prehistory.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Is there a right-handed version of our left-handed universe?

To solve a long-standing puzzle about how long a neutron can 'live' outside an atomic nucleus, physicists entertained a wild but testable theory positing the existence of a right-handed version of our left-handed universe. They designed a mind-bending experiment to try to detect a particle that has been speculated but not spotted. If found, the theorized 'mirror neutron' -- a dark-matter twin to the neutron -- could explain a discrepancy between answers from two types of neutron lifetime experiments and provide the first observation of dark matter.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

KGF2 स्टाइल में चींटियों ने की सोने के चेन की चोरी, वीडियो देख हंसी नहीं रोक पाएंगे

इसी क्रम में सोशल मीडिया पर एक वीडियो वायरल हो रहा है जिसे देख आप अपनी हंसी नहीं रोक पाएंगे। वीडियो से जीवन में आगे बढ़ने की प्रेरणा मिलती है। दर्जनों चीटियां एक साथ सोने के चेन जैसी आर्टिफीसियल चेन को अपने ठिकाने पर ले जा रही हैं।

from Jagran Hindi News - news:oddnews

Tuesday, 28 June 2022

70 साल की दादी मां ने पुल से गंगा में लगाई ऐसी छलांग, वीडियो देख हो जाएंगे हैरान

इसके कैप्शन में उन्होंने लिखा है-अम्मा की छलांग ...हर की पैड़ी के पुल से गंगा नदी में छलांग लगाने वाली बुजुर्ग महिला बुजर्ग महिला पुल से गंगा में छलांग लगाकर आराम से तैरकर किनारे जाती हुई वीडियो में दिख रही है।

from Jagran Hindi News - news:oddnews

Monday, 27 June 2022

Fossils in the 'Cradle of Humankind' may be more than a million years older than previously thought

For decades, scientists have studied these fossils of early human ancestors and their long-lost relatives. Now, a dating method developed by geologists just pushed the age of some of these fossils found at the site of Sterkfontein Caves back more than a million years. This would make them older than Dinkinesh, also called Lucy, the world's most famous Australopithecus fossil.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

By Odin's Beard! Tubulins named after the Norse god may be the missing link between single-celled organisms and human cells

The 'missing link' between bacterial cells and human and plant cells offers key to the process of eukaryogenesis, the point at which animal and plant cells diverge from bacteria.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

The heat is on: Traces of fire uncovered dating back at least 800,000 years

Scientists reveal an advanced, innovative method that they have developed and used to detect nonvisual traces of fire dating back at least 800,000 years -- one of the earliest known pieces of evidence for the use of fire. The newly developed technique may provide a push toward a more scientific, data-driven type of archaeology, but -- perhaps more importantly -- it could help us better understand the origins of the human story, our most basic traditions and our experimental and innovative nature.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

पोते संग दादी ने 'गोमी गोमी' गाने पर लगाए देसी ठुमके, देखें मजेदार वीडियो

इस वीडियो को सोशल मीडिया प्लेटफॉर्म इंस्टाग्राम पर अक्षय पात्रा ने शेयर किया है। इसमें दादी आगे खड़ी हैं और पोता यानी अक्षय पीछे खड़े हैं। इसके बाद दादी गोमी गोमी गाने पर डांस करना शुरू करती हैं। अक्षय भी दादी का साथ देकर डांस स्टेप्स कर रहे हैं।

from Jagran Hindi News - news:oddnews

Sunday, 26 June 2022

रजनीकांत स्टाइल में Rocking Chair पर बैठकर पांडा ने की ऐसी मस्ती, वायरल हो रहा क्यूट वीडियो

इस वीडियो को Yoda4ever ने सोशल मीडिया ट्विटर पर अपने अकांउट से शेयर किया है। इस वीडियो को खबर लिखे जाने तक 2 लाख से अधिक बार देखा जा चुका है। वहीं 7 हजार से लाइक्स मिले हैं। जबकि लोगों ने कमेंट कर पांडा की जमकर तारीफ की है।

from Jagran Hindi News - news:oddnews

Saturday, 25 June 2022

शादी के जोश में दूल्हे की फायरिंग से फौजी दोस्त की मौत, परिवार में छाया मातम

इस वीडियो में देखा जा सकता है कि दूल्हे की गलत हरकत से उसके दोस्त की जान चली गई। इससे दोस्त के परिवार पर दुःखों का पहाड़ टूट पड़ा है। घर के सभी लोग मातम में हैं क्योंकि दूल्हे का दोस्त एकमात्र परिवार का सहारा था।

from Jagran Hindi News - news:oddnews

Funny Jokes: वीडियो कॉल पर फिरंगी लड़की से अंग्रेजी में बात करता देख बिहारी बाप अपने बेटे से बोला...

Funny Jokes हम आपके लिए लेकर आए हैं कुछ जोक्स जो तनाव के लिए दवा समान है। सभी हेल्थ एक्सपर्ट्स का मानना है कि हंसने से हमारा इम्यून सिस्टम बेहतर होता है। इससे ब्लड सर्कुलेशन बढ़ता है जिससे दिल की बीमारियों की संभावना कम होती है।

from Jagran Hindi News - news:oddnews

Friday, 24 June 2022

The octopus' brain and the human brain share the same 'jumping genes'

The neural and cognitive complexity of the octopus could originate from a molecular analogy with the human brain, according to a new study. The research shows that the same 'jumping genes' are active both in the human brain and in the brain of two species, Octopus vulgaris, the common octopus, and Octopus bimaculoides, the Californian octopus.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

इंसानों की तरह दिमाग लगाकर बिल्ली ने की हवा में कलाबाजी, वीडियो देख हो जाएंगे हक्का-बक्का

एक कमरे में कई बिल्लियां हैं जो खेलने में मशगूल हैं। मानो ऐसा लगता है कि यह बिल्ली घर है। तभी एक और बिल्ली की एंट्री होती है। बिल्ली की मस्तानी चाल देख लगता है कि वह टीम लीडर है। बिल्ली दबे पांव कमरे में दस्तक देती है।

from Jagran Hindi News - news:oddnews

Thursday, 23 June 2022

Secrets of aging revealed in largest study on longevity, aging in reptiles and amphibians

An international team of 114 scientists reports the most comprehensive study of aging and longevity to date of reptiles and amphibians worldwide. Among their many findings, they document for the first time that turtles, crocodilians and salamanders have particularly low aging rates and extended lifespans for their sizes. The team also finds that protective phenotypes, such as the hard shells of most turtle species, contribute to slower aging, and in some cases even 'negligible aging' -- or lack of biological aging.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Artificial photosynthesis can produce food without sunshine

Scientists have found a way to bypass the need for biological photosynthesis altogether and create food independent of sunlight by using artificial photosynthesis. The technology uses a two-step electrocatalytic process to convert carbon dioxide, electricity, and water into acetate. Food-producing organisms then consume acetate in the dark to grow. The hybrid organic-inorganic system could increase the conversion efficiency of sunlight into food, up to 18 times more efficient for some foods.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Giant bacteria found in Guadeloupe mangroves challenge traditional concepts

Researchers describe the morphological and genomic features of a ''macro' microbe' -- a giant filamentous bacterium composed of a single cell discovered in the mangroves of Guadeloupe. Using various microscopy techniques, the team also observed novel, membrane-bound compartments that contain DNA clusters dubbed 'pepins.'

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Humans can't, but turtles can: Reduce weakening and deterioration with age

Evolutionary theories of ageing predict that all living organisms weaken and deteriorate with age (a process known as senescence) -- and eventually die. Now, researchers show that certain animal species, such as turtles (including tortoises) may exhibit slower or even absent senescence when their living conditions improve.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

देखें क्या हुआ- जब फोटो खींचने में मस्त फोटोग्राफर के सामने आ गया बब्बर शेर

दूर बैठा बब्बर शेर कैमरा मैन की हरकत को देख रहा है। उसी समय शेर उठकर फोटोग्राफर के पास आ जाता है। मानो शेर कहना चाहता है कि देख मुझे तेरे सामने खड़ा हूं। शायद तुम मुझे ही ढूंढ रहे हो।

from Jagran Hindi News - news:oddnews

Wednesday, 22 June 2022

What did Megalodon eat? Anything it wanted -- including other predators.

Megalodon sharks, which went extinct about 3 million years ago, were three times longer than modern great white sharks and were apex predators at highest trophic level ever measured. Researchers used the traces of nitrogen trapped in shark tooth enamel to calculate the trophic levels of the prehistoric predators.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

ड्यूटी पर तैनात ट्रैफिक ऑफिसर ने ऐसे जीता लोगों का दिल, यूजर्स कर रहे हैं सलाम

इस वीडियो में साफ देखा जा सकता है कि तेज बारिश के बीच ट्रैफिक ऑफिसर रेनकोट पहनकर ड्यूटी पर तैनात हैं ताकि यातायात सुचारू रूप से चले। मूसलाधार बारिश होने के चलते सड़क पर जल भराव होने लगा है। इससे लोगों को तकलीफ हो रही है।

from Jagran Hindi News - news:oddnews

Tuesday, 21 June 2022

Robotic lightning bugs take flight

Inspired by fireflies, researchers created soft actuators that can emit light in different colors or patterns. These artificial muscles, which control the wings of featherweight flying robots, light up while the robot is in flight, which provides a low-cost way to track the robots and also could enable them to communicate.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Scientists identify a possible source for Charon's red cap

Scientists combined data from NASA's New Horizons mission with novel laboratory experiments and exospheric modeling to reveal the likely composition of the red cap on Pluto's moon Charon and how it may have formed. This first-ever description of Charon's dynamic methane atmosphere using new experimental data provides a fascinating glimpse into the origins of this moon's red spot as described in two recent articles.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

How elliptical craters could shed light on age of Saturn's moons

A new study describes how unique populations of craters on two of Saturn's moons could help indicate the satellites' age and the conditions of their formation. Using data from NASA's Cassini mission, researchers have surveyed elliptical craters on Saturn's moons Tethys and Dione for this study.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

स्कूटी लेकर पत्नी संग नाले में गिरा पुलिसवाला, वीडियो हो रहा वायरल

इस वीडियो को रिटायर्ड IAS अधिकारी सूर्य प्रताप सिंह ने सोशल मीडिया ट्विटर पर अपने अकांउट से शेयर किया है। इसके कैप्शन में उन्होंने लिखा है-,यूपी का स्मार्ट सिटी अलीगढ़। किसे धन्यवाद दें?। इस वीडियो को खबर लिखे जाने तक तकरीबन 3 लाख 22 हजार बार देखा गया है।

from Jagran Hindi News - news:oddnews

Thursday, 16 June 2022

Biochemistry researchers repair and regenerate heart muscle cells

Researchers are reporting new technology that not only repairs heart muscle cells in mice but also regenerates them following a heart attack, or myocardial infarction as its medically known.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Newly documented population of polar bears in Southeast Greenland sheds light on the species' future in a warming Arctic

A new population of polar bears documented on the southeast coast of Greenland use glacier ice to survive despite limited access to sea ice. This small, genetically distinct group of polar bears could be important to the future of the species in a warming world.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Once seen as fleeting, a new solar tech proves its lasting power

Researchers have developed the first perovskite solar cell with a commercially viable lifetime, marking a major milestone for an emerging class of renewable energy technology. The team projects their device can perform above industry standards for around 30 years, far more than the 20 years used as a threshold for viability for solar cells.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

100,000-year-old polar bear genome reveals ancient hybridization with brown bears

An analysis of ancient DNA from a 100,000-year-old polar bear has revealed that extensive hybridization between polar bears and brown bears occurred during the last warm interglacial period in the Pleistocene, leaving a surprising amount of polar bear ancestry in the genomes of all living brown bears.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Martian meteorite upsets planet formation theory

A new study of an old meteorite contradicts current thinking about how rocky planets like the Earth and Mars acquire volatile elements such as hydrogen, carbon, oxygen, nitrogen and noble gases as they form.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Researchers reconstruct the genome of centuries-old E. coli using fragments extracted from an Italian mummy

Researchers have identified and reconstructed the first ancient genome of E. coli, using fragments extracted from the gallstone of a 16th century mummy.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

The benefits of exercise in a pill? Science is closer to that goal

Researchers have identified a molecule in the blood that is produced during exercise and can effectively reduce food intake and obesity in mice.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Olive trees were first domesticated 7,000 years ago, study finds

A new study has unraveled the earliest evidence for domestication of a fruit tree, researchers report. The researchers analyzed remnants of charcoal from the Chalcolithic site of Tel Zaf in the Jordan Valley and determined that they came from olive trees. Since the olive did not grow naturally in the Jordan Valley, this means that the inhabitants planted the tree intentionally about 7,000 years ago.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

जान हथेली पर रख जवान ने बचाई नन्हें बच्चे की जान, यूजर्स-दे रहे हैं शाबाशी

इसके कैप्शन में उन्होंने लिखा है-तत्परता समर्पण और बहादुरी। जवान सुंदर शर्मा ने सेकंड्स का समय नहीं लिया अपना कर्तव्य निभाने। उत्तराखंड सीपीयू के जवान सुंदर शर्मा ने काशीपुर में व्यस्त ट्रैफिक के बीच ई-रिक्शा पर बैठी अपनी मां की गोद से गिरे एक बच्चे की जान बचाई।

from Jagran Hindi News - news:oddnews

Wednesday, 15 June 2022

Origins of the Black Death identified

The Black Death, the biggest pandemic of our history, was caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis and lasted in Europe between the years 1346 and 1353. Despite the pandemic's immense demographic and societal impacts, its origins have long been elusive. Now, scientists have obtained and studied ancient Y. pestis genomes that trace the pandemic's origins to Central Asia.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

To find a planet, look for the signatures of planet formation

Finding forming planets is a tough but important job for astronomers: Only three planets have ever been discovered caught in the process of forming, and the most recent of these was found just weeks ago.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

What quantum information and snowflakes have in common, and what we can do about it

Qubits, the basic building blocks of quantum computers, are as fragile as snowflakes. Now, researchers have come up with a new way of reading out the information from certain kinds of qubits without destroying them in the process, potentially paving the way for a quantum internet.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Near-sun comet roasted to death

Astronomers using a fleet of world leading telescopes on the ground and in space have captured images of a periodic rocky near-Sun comet breaking apart. This is the first time such a comet has been caught in the act of disintegrating and could help explain the scarcity of such periodic near-Sun comets.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Genetic discovery could spell mosquitoes' death knell

A genetic discovery could turn disease-carrying mosquitoes into insect Peter Pans, preventing them from ever maturing or multiplying.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

A large predator from the Pyrenees

A fossilized lower jaw has led an international team of palaeontologists to discover a new species of predator that once lived in Europe. These large predators belong to a group of carnivores colloquially known as 'bear dogs'. They could weigh around 320 kilograms, appeared 36 million years ago before becoming extinct around 7.5 million years ago.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

'रात का जमके मज़ा ले' गाने पर ठुमके लगाकर डांसर समेत परिवारवालों ने दी दादा-दादी को श्रद्धांजलि...

वीडियो देख ऐसा लगता है कि मानो कोई शादी समारोह का आयोजन किया जा रहा है लेकिन मंच पर बहुत बड़ा पोस्टर लगा है जिसमें दादा दादी को श्रद्धांजलि देने की बात लिखी गई है। साथ ही दादा-दादी की तस्वीर भी लगी हैं।

from Jagran Hindi News - news:oddnews

Tuesday, 14 June 2022

Stress accelerates immune aging, study finds

Stress -- in the form of traumatic events, job strain, everyday stressors and discrimination -- accelerates aging of the immune system, potentially increasing a person's risk of cancer, cardiovascular disease and illness from infections such as COVID-19, according to a new study. The research could help explain disparities in age-related health, including the unequal toll of the pandemic, and identify possible points for intervention.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Scientists provide explanation for exceptional Tonga tsunami

Scientists say they have identified the exact mechanism responsible for the exceptional tsunami that spread quickly across the world after the colossal eruption of the Tonga volcano earlier this year.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

No signs (yet) of life on Venus

The unusual behavior of sulphur in Venus' atmosphere cannot be explained by an 'aerial' form of extra-terrestrial life, according to a new study.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Cats' strange reactions to catnip make it a better insect repellent

Anyone who has seen a cat experience catnip knows that it makes them go a bit wild -- they rub in it, roll on it, chew it, and lick it aggressively. It is widely accepted that this plant, and its Asian counterpart, silvervine, have intoxicative properties, but this might not be the only reason that cats rub on and chew the plants so enthusiastically. Researchers have found that when cats damage catnip, much higher amounts of strong insect repellents are released, indicating that the cats' behavior protects them from pests.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

सरपंच के चुनाव की टेंशन को नन्हें बच्चे ने ऐसे किया दूर, वीडियो हो रहा वायरल

सोशल मीडिया पर लोग नन्हें बच्चे की खूब तारीफ कर रहे हैं। हालांकि बच्चे को नशे से दूर रखना चाहिए। इस वीडियो में साफ देखा जा सकता है कि एक छोटा बच्चा खाट पर बैठा है। बैठने की मुद्रा से पता चल रहा है कि वह किसी टेंशन में है।

from Jagran Hindi News - news:oddnews

Monday, 13 June 2022

Wandering star disrupts stellar nursery

New study finds star-forming cloud's magnetic field is curiously twisted. Researchers believe a newborn star moved into another young star's stellar envelope to form a binary star system. The interloper shifted the cloud's dynamics, twisting its magnetic field. The new findings provide insight into binary star formation and how magnetic fields influence the earliest stages of developing stars.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Mastodon tusk chemical analysis reveals first evidence of one extinct animal's annual migration

Around 13,200 years ago, a roving male mastodon died in a bloody mating-season battle with a rival in what today is northeast Indiana, nearly 100 miles from his home territory, according to the first study to document the annual migration of an individual animal from an extinct species.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Simulations reveal hydrodynamics of planetary engulfment by expanding star

A new study using hydrodynamical simulations reveals the forces acting on a planet when it is swallowed by an expanding star. The results show that the interactions of a substellar body (a planet or brown dwarf) with the hot gas in the outer envelope of a sun-like star can lead to a range of outcomes depending on the size of the engulfed object and the stage of the star's evolution. The dynamics and possible outcomes of planetary engulfment are poorly understood, but it is thought to be a relatively common fate for planetary systems.

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Rubbery camouflage skin exhibits smart and stretchy behaviors

The skin of cephalopods, such as octopuses, squids and cuttlefish, is stretchy and smart, contributing to these creatures' ability to sense and respond to their surroundings. Scientists have harnessed these properties to create an artificial skin that mimics both the elasticity and the neurologic functions of cephalopod skin, with potential applications for neurorobotics, skin prosthetics, artificial organs and more.

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आलसी बिल्ली ने खास अंदाज में किया मछली का शिकार, वीडियो देख हंसी नहीं रोक पाएंगे

इस वीडियो को Yoda4ever ने सोशल मीडिया ट्विटर पर अपने अकांउट से शेयर किया है। इस वीडियो को खबर लिखे जाने तक 14 लाख से अधिक बार देखा जा चुका है। वहीं 63 हजार से लाइक्स मिले हैं।

from Jagran Hindi News - news:oddnews

Saturday, 11 June 2022

शराब पीने के लिए शख्स ने लगाया ऐसा जुगाड़, यूजर्स-दे रहे हैं शाबाशी

इस वीडियो को भारतीय सेवा अधिकारी Rupin Sharma IPS ने सोशल मीडिया ट्विटर पर अपने अकांउट से शेयर किया है। इस वीडियो को खबर लिखे जाने तक 18 हजार से अधिक बार देखा जा चुका है। वहीं सैकडों लाइक्स मिले हैं।

from Jagran Hindi News - news:oddnews

Friday, 10 June 2022

'फ्लावर नहीं… फायर है मैं' स्टाइल में प्रेमी युगल ने की शादी, वीडियो देख हो जाएंगे हैरान

इस वीडियो में साफ देखा जा सकता है कि विदेश की किसी धरती पर पश्चिमी सभ्यता के लोग किसी विवाह भवन में एकत्र हुए हैं। शादी समारोह की पूरी तैयारी की गई है। इस शादी में कुछ स्पेशल करने में भी लोग जुटे हैं।

from Jagran Hindi News - news:oddnews

The Earth moves far under our feet: A new study shows the inner core oscillates

Scientists have found evidence that the Earth's inner core oscillates, contradicting previously accepted models that posited it consistently rotates at a faster rate than the planet's surface.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Thursday, 9 June 2022

Yellowstone's history of hydrothermal explosions over the past 14,000 years

While much of public attention on Yellowstone focuses on its potential to produce large supereruptions, the hazards that are much more likely to occur are smaller, violent hydrothermal explosions. Hydrothermal explosions occur when near-boiling water suddenly flashes into steam, releasing large amounts of energy. The energy release fractures the rock downward, often leaving behind a crater. The same sources that can produce these explosions are what give Yellowstone its well-known hot springs, geysers, and fumaroles.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Ground-breaking number of brown dwarfs discovered

Brown dwarfs, mysterious objects that straddle the line between stars and planets, are essential to our understanding of both stellar and planetary populations. However, only 40 brown dwarfs could be imaged around stars in almost three decades of searches. An international team has directly imaged a remarkable four new brown dwarfs thanks to a new innovative search method.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

'Fantastic giant tortoise,' believed extinct, confirmed alive in the Galápagos

A tortoise from a Galápagos species long believed extinct has been found alive. Fernanda, named after her Fernandina Island home, is the first of her species identified in more than a century. Geneticist successfully extracted DNA from a specimen collected from the same island more than a century ago and confirmed that Fernanda and the museum specimen are members of the same species and genetically distinct from all other Galápagos tortoises.

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Antarctic glaciers losing ice at fastest rate for 5,500 years

New evidence suggests that two major glaciers in the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) are losing ice at the fastest rate for at least 5,500 years.

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High optimism linked with longer life and living past 90 in women across racial, ethnic groups

Higher levels of optimism were associated with longer lifespan and living beyond age 90 in women across racial and ethnic groups.

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Most 'silent' genetic mutations are harmful, not neutral -- a finding with broad implications

Occasionally, single-letter misspellings in the genetic code, known as point mutations, occur. Point mutations that alter the resulting protein sequences are called nonsynonymous mutations, while those that do not alter protein sequences are called silent or synonymous mutations. Between one-quarter and one-third of point mutations in protein-coding DNA sequences are synonymous. Those mutations have generally been assumed to be neutral, or nearly so. A new study involving the genetic manipulation of yeast cells shows that most synonymous mutations are strongly harmful.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Scientists craft living human skin for robots

From action heroes to villainous assassins, biohybrid robots made of both living and artificial materials have been at the center of many sci-fi fantasies, inspiring today's robotic innovations. It's still a long way until human-like robots walk among us in our daily lives, but scientists are bringing us one step closer by crafting living human skin on robots. The new method not only gave a robotic finger skin-like texture, but also water-repellent and self-healing functions.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Europe's largest land predator unearthed on the Isle of Wight

Palaeontologists have identified the remains of one of Europe's largest ever land-based hunters: a dinosaur that measured over 10m long and lived around 125 million years ago.

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हरियाणवी गाने पर नई नवेली बहू ने ससुराल में ठुमका लगाकर ढाया कहर, इंटरनेट पर छाया वीडियो

इस वीडियो को byohbaraat ने सोशल मीडिया यूट्यूब पर अपने अकांउट से शेयर किया है। इस वीडियो को खबर लिखे जाने तक 10 लाख से अधिक बार देखा जा चुका है। वहीं 1 लाख से अधिक लाइक्स मिले हैं। जबकि 1 हजार से अधिक लोगों ने कमेंट किया है।

from Jagran Hindi News - news:oddnews

Wednesday, 8 June 2022

Study identifies receptor that could alleviate need for chemo, radiation pre-T cell therapy

A research team has shown that a synthetic IL-9 receptor allows cancer-fighting T cells to do their work without the need for chemotherapy or radiation.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Rapid-fire fast radio burst shows hot space between galaxies

A recently discovered, rare and persistent rapid-fire fast radio burst source -- sending out an occasional and informative cosmic ping from more than 3.5 billion light years away -- helps to reveal the secrets of the broiling hot space between the galaxies.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Bizarre meat-eating dinosaur joins 'Rogues' Gallery' of giant predators from classic fossil site in Egypt's Sahara Desert

The fossil of a still-unnamed species provides the first known record of the abelisaurid group of theropods from a middle Cretaceous-aged (approximately 98 million years old) rock unit known as the Bahariya Formation, which is exposed in the Bahariya Oasis of the Western Desert of Egypt.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Particle accelerator region revealed inside a solar flare

A new study offers direct evidence showing where near-light speed particle acceleration occurs inside the largest explosion known in the solar system, the solar flare.

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Tuesday, 7 June 2022

Colossal collisions linked to solar system science

A new study shows a deep connection between some of the largest, most energetic events in the universe and much smaller, weaker ones powered by our own Sun.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

How species form: What the tangled history of polar bear and brown bear relations tells us

A new study is providing an enhanced look at the intertwined evolutionary histories of polar bears and brown bears. Becoming separate species did not completely stop these animals from mating with each other. Scientists have known this for some time, but the new research draws on an expanded dataset -- including DNA from an ancient polar bear tooth -- to tease out more detail.

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चिंपैजी से पंगा लेना शख्स को पड़ा महंगा, वीडियो देख हो जाएंगे हैरान

इस वीडियो में साफ देखा जा सकता है कि एक शख्स अपने दोस्तों के साथ चिड़ियाघर में घूम रहा है। तभी घूमते-घूमते सभी चिंपैजी के पास पहुंच जाता है। उसमें एक शख्स चिंपैजी को छेड़ने लगता है। यह देख चिंपैजी को गुस्सा आ जाता है।

from Jagran Hindi News - news:oddnews

New evidence about when, where, and how chickens were domesticated

New research transforms our understanding of the circumstances and timing of the domestication of chickens, their spread across Asia into the west, and reveals the changing way in which they were perceived in societies over the past 3,500 years.

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Monday, 6 June 2022

बार में शराबी वृद्ध व्यक्ति ने की ऐसी लड़ाई, वीडियो देख हंसी नहीं रोक पाएगी

इस वीडियो को made me smile ने सोशल मीडिया ट्विटर पर अपने अकांउट से शेयर किया है। इसके कैप्शन में उन्होंने लिखा है-जब दो वरिष्ठ शराबी एक दूसरे को रास्ता देने की कोशिश करता है। इस वीडियो को खबर लिखे जाने तक 15 हजार से अधिक बार देखा गया है।

from Jagran Hindi News - news:oddnews

Funny Jokes: लड़की पटाने के मकसद से एक लड़का तांत्रिक के पास जाकर बोला...

Funny Jokes सभी हेल्थ एक्सपर्ट्स का मानना है कि हंसने से हमारा इम्यून सिस्टम बेहतर होता है। इससे ब्लड सर्कुलेशन बढ़ता है जिससे दिल की बीमारियों की संभावना कम होती है। इससे तनाव और चिंता से निजात मिलता है।

from Jagran Hindi News - news:oddnews

Sunday, 5 June 2022

वेडिंग प्रपोजल के दौरान स्टाफ ने की ऐसी बचकानी हरकत, डिज्नीलैंड को मांगनी पड़ गई माफ़ी

इस वीडियो को Pop Crave ने सोशल मीडिया ट्विटर पर अपने अकांउट से शेयर किया है। इसके कैप्शन में डिज्नीलैंड की माफीनामा लिखा है। इस वीडियो को खबर लिखे जाने तक 7 लाख 23 हजार से अधिक बार देखा गया है। वहीं12 हजार लोगों ने वीडियो को पसंद किया है।

from Jagran Hindi News - news:oddnews

Friday, 3 June 2022

हेलमेट पहन डॉगी ने की बाइक की सवारी, वायरल हो रहा क्यूट वीडियो

इस वीडियो को भारतीय सेवा अधिकारी Rupin Sharma IPS ने सोशल मीडिया ट्विटर पर अपने अकांउट से शेयर किया है। इसके कैप्शन में उन्होंने लिखा है-क्यूट। इस वीडियो को खबर लिखे जाने तक 18 हजार से अधिक बार देखा गया है। वहीं कुछ लोगों ने पसंद कर कंमेटस किए हैं।

from Jagran Hindi News - news:oddnews

Famous rock art cave in Spain was used by ancient humans for over 50,000 years

A cave in southern Spain was used by ancient humans as a canvas for artwork and as a burial place for over 50,000 years, according to a new study.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

New research shows long-term personality traits influence problem-solving in zebra finches

Zebra finches innovate solutions to novel foraging tasks, where sometimes success is related to personality type.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

NASA's Davinci mission to take the plunge through massive atmosphere of Venus

NASA scientists and engineers give new details about the Deep Atmosphere Venus Investigation of Noble gases, Chemistry, and Imaging (DAVINCI) mission, which will descend through the layered Venus atmosphere to the surface of the planet in mid-2031. DAVINCI is the first mission to study Venus using both spacecraft flybys and a descent probe.

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How plesiosaurs swam underwater

Plesiosaurs are characterized by four uniform flippers. It was possible to reconstruct whether they used these in a rowing or flying motion underwater thanks to a combination of paleontological and engineering methods.

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Thursday, 2 June 2022

A 50% reduction in emissions by 2030 can be achieved. Here's how

To prevent the worst outcomes from climate change, the U.S. will need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 50% in the next eight years. Scientists from around the nation have developed a blueprint for success.

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Seeing how odor is processed in the brain

A specially created odor delivery device, along with machine learning-based analysis of scalp-recorded electroencephalogram, has enabled researchers to see when and where odors are processed in the brain. The study found that odor information in the brain is unrelated to perception during the early stages of being processed, but when perception later occurred, unpleasant odors were processed more quickly than pleasant odors. Problems with odor perception can be an early symptom of neurodegenerative diseases, so uncovering more of the neural bases of odor perception could help towards better understanding of those diseases in future.

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Smart, dissolving pacemaker communicates with body-area sensor and control network

Engineers have taken their transient pacemaker and integrated it into a coordinated network of four soft, flexible, wireless wearable sensors and control units placed on different anatomically relevant locations on the body. The sensors communicate with each other to continuously monitor the body's various physiological functions, including body temperature, oxygen levels, respiration, muscle tone, physical activity and the heart's electrical activity. The system then uses algorithms to analyze this combined activity in order to autonomously detect abnormal cardiac rhythms and decide when to pace the heart and at what rate.

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Viral Video : हाथी ने सिर के बल खड़े होकर किया ऐसा कमाल, देखें हैरान करने वाला वीडियो

Viral Video किसी जानवर को ऐसा करते हुए देखना थोड़ा दुर्लभ है लेकिन जानवर के इस तरह के वीडियो को देखकर हर कोई हैरानी में है। ऑनलाइन शेयर किए जाने के बाद वीडियो को 3 लाख से अधिक बार देखा जा चुका है।

from Jagran Hindi News - news:oddnews

Scientists shine new light on role of Earth's orbit in the fate of ancient ice sheets

Scientists have finally put to bed a long-standing question over the role of Earth's orbit in driving global ice age cycles.

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5 महीने के नन्हें बच्चे ने दिखाया अपनी प्रतिभा का दम, वीडियो देख हो जाएंगे हैरान

इस वीडियो को खबर लिखे जाने तक 32 हजार से अधिक बार देखा गया है। वहीं सैंकडों लोगों ने कमेंट कर नन्हें उस्ताद की प्रतिभा की तारीफ की है। एक यूजर मुकेश ने लिखा है-इसीलिए मैं खुद भी अखबार पढ़ता हूँ और बेटे को भी पढ़वाता हूँ।

from Jagran Hindi News - news:oddnews

Wednesday, 1 June 2022

Python on Man: सोते हुए शख्स के ऊपर रेंग रहे दो अजगर, आप भी देखें खतनाक और हैरान करने वाला वीडियो

इसे अब तक 1.3 मिलियन से अधिक बार देखा जा चुका है और 24000 से अधिक लाइक्स मिल चुके हैं। लोग डरे हुए हैं और सोच रहे हैं कि ऐसा कैसे संभव हो सकता है। कई यूजर्स अजगर को लेकर कई तरह के सवाल भी पूछ रहे हैं।

from Jagran Hindi News - news:oddnews

Viral Video: छात्र से पूछा टायलेट का मतलब, जवाब सुनकर हर कोई हैरान

Viral Video हालांकि इसके बाद जो रिपोर्टर सवाल पूछता है उसका जवाब सुनकर हर कोई हैरान रह जाता है। रिपोर्टर पूछता है कि टॉयलेट का हिंदी में मतलब जानते हो? इसके जवाब में छात्र कहता है- क्लास और स्कूल। इस जवाब को सुनकर रिपोर्टर भौचक्क रह जाता है।

from Jagran Hindi News - news:oddnews

Boyfriend से शादी करने समंदर तैरकर इंडिया आई बांग्लादेशी लड़की

ख़बरों की मानें तो अपने Boyfriend से शादी करने के लिए लड़की तैरकर इंडिया आ गई। हालांकि अवैध तरीके से सीमा प्रवेश के लिए लड़की को गिरफ्तार कर लिया गया। लड़की की पहचान कृष्णा मंडल के रूप में हुई है।

from Jagran Hindi News - news:oddnews