Researchers created a portable desalination unit that can remove particles and salts simultaneously to generate drinking water. The user-friendly unit, which weighs less than 10 kilograms and does not require filters, can be powered by a small, portable solar panel.
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Friday, 29 April 2022
Neural pathway key to sensation of pleasant touch identified
Researchers have identified a specific neuropeptide and a neural circuit that transmit pleasant touch from the skin to the brain. The findings eventually may help scientists better understand and treat disorders characterized by touch avoidance and impaired social development.
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from All Top News -- ScienceDaily
Thursday, 28 April 2022
Climate change could spark the next pandemic, new study finds
As Earth's climate continues to warm, researchers predict wild animals will be forced to relocate their habitats -- likely to regions with large human populations -- dramatically increasing the risk of a viral jump to humans that could lead to the next pandemic.
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from All Top News -- ScienceDaily
Tuesday, 26 April 2022
Viral Video: ऑस्ट्रेलियाई बच्ची ने जब पहली बार चखा भारतीय खाना, रिएक्शन देख आप भी मुस्कुरा देंगे

from Jagran Hindi News - news:oddnews
Friday, 22 April 2022
Prehistoric people created art by firelight, new research reveals
Stones that were incised with artistic designs around 15,000 years ago have patterns of heat damage which suggests they were carved close to the flickering light of a fire, a new study has found.
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Earliest geochemical evidence of plate tectonics found in 3.8-billion-year-old crystal
Plate tectonics may be unique to Earth and may be an essential characteristic of habitable planets. Estimates for its onset range from over 4 billion years ago to just 800 million years ago. A new study reports evidence of a transition in multiple locations around the world, 3.8-3.6 billion years ago, from stable 'protocrust' to pressures and processes that look a lot like modern subduction, suggesting a time when plates first got moving.
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from All Top News -- ScienceDaily
Wednesday, 20 April 2022
Got food cravings? What's living in your gut may be responsible
New research on mice shows for the first time that the microbes in animals' guts influence what they choose to eat, making substances that prompt cravings for different kinds of foods.
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Pterosaur discovery solves ancient feather mystery
Palaeontologists have discovered remarkable new evidence that pterosaurs, the flying relatives of dinosaurs, were able to control the color of their feathers using melanin pigments.
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Scientists identify potential new 'soldier' for cancer immunotherapy
The new cells, which the scientists have dubbed killer innate-like T cells, differ in several notable ways from the conventional target of many immunotherapies.
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from All Top News -- ScienceDaily
How do our eyes stay focused on what we reach for?
Keeping our eyes focused on what we reach for, whether it be an item at the grocery store or a ground ball on the baseball field, may appear seamless, but, in fact, is due to a complex neurological process involving intricate timing and coordination. Researchers now shed additional light on the machinations that ensure we don't look away from where we are reaching.
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Astronomers discover micronovae, a new kind of stellar explosion
A team of astronomers has observed a new type of stellar explosion -- a micronova. These outbursts happen on the surface of certain stars, and can each burn through around 3.5 billion Great Pyramids of Giza of stellar material in only a few hours.
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Explanation for formation of abundant features on Europa bodes well for search for extraterrestrial life
Ice-penetrating radar data from Greenland suggests that shallow water pockets may be common within Europa's ice shell, increasing the potential habitability of the Jovian moon's ice shell.
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Jupiter's moon has splendid dunes
Scientists have long wondered how Jupiter's innermost moon, Io, has meandering ridges as grand as any that can be seen in movies like 'Dune.' Now, a research study has provided a new explanation of how dunes can form even on a surface as icy and roiling as Io's.
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from All Top News -- ScienceDaily
Monday, 18 April 2022
Early human habitats linked to past climate shifts
A study provides clear evidence for a link between astronomically-driven climate change and human evolution.
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A new heat engine with no moving parts is as efficient as a steam turbine
Engineers have developed a heat engine with no moving parts that is as efficient as a steam turbine. The design could someday enable a fully decarbonized power grid, researchers say.
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from All Top News -- ScienceDaily
Hubble sheds light on origins of supermassive black holes
Astronomers have identified a rapidly growing black hole in the early universe that is considered a crucial 'missing link' between young star-forming galaxies and the first supermassive black holes. They used data from NASA's Hubble Space Telescope to make this discovery.
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from All Top News -- ScienceDaily
New approach enhances muscle recovery in aged mice
Scientists have developed a promising new method to combat the age-related losses in muscle mass that often accompany immobility after injury or illness. Their technique, demonstrated in mice, arrests the process by which muscles begin to deteriorate at the onset of exercise after a period of inactivity.
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from All Top News -- ScienceDaily
Climate change will reshuffle marine ecosystems in unexpected ways
Warming of the oceans due to climate change will mean fewer productive fish species to catch in the future, according to a new study that found as temperatures warm, predator-prey interactions will prevent species from keeping up with the conditions where they could thrive.
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from All Top News -- ScienceDaily
Scientists find 'knob' to control magnetic behavior in quantum material
Magnetism, one of the oldest technologies known to humans, is at the forefront of new-age materials that could enable next-generation lossless electronics and quantum computers. Researchers have discovered a new 'knob' to control the magnetic behavior of one promising quantum material, and the findings could pave the way toward novel, efficient and ultra-fast devices.
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from All Top News -- ScienceDaily
Wednesday, 13 April 2022
Study explores effects of extended spaceflight on brain
Scientists from the U.S., Europe and Russia are part of a team releasing the results of a large collaborative study involving the effects of long duration spaceflight on the brain.
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from All Top News -- ScienceDaily
Tuesday, 12 April 2022
Viral Video: जब सवार लोगों के साथ क्रैश हुआ हॉट एयर बैलून, आप भी देखें यह वायरल वीडियो!

from Jagran Hindi News - news:oddnews
Sunday, 10 April 2022
Astronomers detect 'galactic space laser'
A powerful radio-wave laser, called a 'megamaser', has been observed by the MeerKAT telescope in South Africa. The record-breaking find is the most distant megamaser of its kind ever detected, at about five billion light years from Earth. The light from the megamaser has traveled 58 thousand billion billion (58 followed by 21 zeros) kilometers to Earth.
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from All Top News -- ScienceDaily
Landmark study implicates specific genes in schizophrenia
The largest ever genetic study of schizophrenia has identified large numbers of specific genes that could play important roles in the psychiatric disorder. A group of hundreds of researchers across 45 countries analysed DNA from 76,755 people with schizophrenia and 243,649 without it to better understand the genes and biological processes underpinning the condition. The new study found a much larger number of genetic links to schizophrenia than ever before, in 287 different regions of the genome, the human body's DNA blueprint.
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Hubble probes extreme weather on ultra-hot Jupiters
Astronomers have discovered bloated Jupiter-sized worlds that are so precariously close to their parent star they are being roasted at seething temperatures above 3,000 degrees Fahrenheit. That's hot enough to vaporize most metals, including titanium. They have the hottest planetary atmospheres ever seen. Hubble astronomers are reporting on bizarre weather conditions on these sizzling worlds. It's raining vaporized rock on one planet, and another one has its upper atmosphere getting hotter rather than cooler because it is being 'sunburned' by intense ultraviolet (UV) radiation from its star.
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Researchers rejuvenate mouse organs through cellular reprogramming
Scientists have observed signs of rejuvenation in the pancreas, liver, spleen, and blood of mice after applying one cycle of cell reprogramming. To achieve this, the researchers have characterized rejuvenation by studying molecular marks in the DNA, gene expression, and cell metabolism.
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Tiny jumping genes fingered as culprit in rise of antibiotic resistance
Biomedical engineers believe they have discovered the physical mechanism that causes high doses of antibiotics to promote the spread of antibiotic resistance between bacteria. The culprit, they say, is an overabundance of 'jumping genes,' called transposons, that carry the genetic instructions for resistance from the cell's source code to plasmids that shuttle between cells.
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The art of smell: Research suggests the brain processes smell both like a painting and a symphony
What happens when we smell a rose? How does our brain process the essence of its fragrance? Is it like a painting -- a snapshot of the flickering activity of cells -- captured in a moment in time? Or like a symphony, an evolving ensemble of different cells working together to capture the scent? New research suggests that our brain does both.
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Century-old malaria parasite puzzle solved as ape origin traced
Scientists have solved a 100-year-old mystery about the evolutionary links between malaria parasites that infect humans and chimpanzees.
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Monday, 4 April 2022
Scientists bioprint tissue-like constructs capable of controlled, complex shape change
New cell-laden bioink, comprised of tightly-packed, flake-shaped microgels and living cells, the production of cell-rich 4D bioconstructs that can change shape under physiological conditions.
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Increased heat and drought stunt tropical trees, a major carbon sink
For a long time, ecologists assumed tree rings to be absent in tropical trees because of a lack of temperature and rain fluctuations in the trees' environment. But in recent decades, the formation of growth rings has been proven for hundreds of tropical tree species, which are sensitive to drought and usually experience at least a month or two of slightly reduced rainfall every year.
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from All Top News -- ScienceDaily
Ozone may be heating the planet more than we realize
New research reveals ozone in the lower atmosphere in particular contributed to warming in the Southern Ocean - which absorbs much of the planet's excess heat - more than previously realized. The study shows that ozone is more than just a pollutant, but also may be playing a significant role in climate change.
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Mercury has magnetic storms
An international team of scientists has proved that Mercury, our solar system's smallest planet, has geomagnetic storms similar to those on Earth. Their finding, a first, answers the question of whether other planets, including those outside our solar system, can have geomagnetic storms regardless of the size of their magnetosphere or whether they have an Earth-like ionosphere.
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New study of how bacteria swim could help prevent the spread of disease and improve medical treatments
A research team studied how bacteria swim in complex fluids, providing insight into how the microorganisms move through different environments, such as their natural habitats or inside the human body.
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Researchers find new strategy for preventing clogged arteries
Revving up a process that slows down as we age may protect against atherosclerosis, a major cause of heart attacks and strokes. Scientists have successfully minimized artery-narrowing plaque in mice that would otherwise develop those lesions. The researchers did so by boosting chaperone-mediated autophagy (CMA), a cellular housekeeping process.
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Friday, 1 April 2022
Cobra Fighting Video: ज़िंदा सांप को बिल से निकालकर किंग कोबरा ने किया शिकार

from Jagran Hindi News - news:oddnews
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