Modern humans arrived in westernmost Europe 41,000 to 38,000 years ago, about 5,000 years earlier than previously known, according to an international team of researchers that discovered stone tools used by modern humans dated to the earlier time period in a cave near the Atlantic coast of central Portugal. The tools document the presence of modern humans at a time when Neanderthals were thought to be present in the region.
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Wednesday, 30 September 2020
Plastic-eating enzyme 'cocktail' heralds new hope for plastic waste
The same team who re-engineered the plastic-eating enzyme PETase have now created an enzyme 'cocktail' which can digest plastic up to six times faster.
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The ancient Neanderthal hand in severe COVID-19
Genetic variants that leave their carrier more susceptible to severe COVID-19 are inherited from Neanderthals, a new study finds.
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from All Top News -- ScienceDaily
Evidence that prehistoric flying reptiles probably had feathers refuted
Experts have examined the evidence that prehistoric flying reptiles called pterosaurs had feathers and believe they were, in fact, bald.
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from All Top News -- ScienceDaily
Validating the physics behind the new fusion experiment
SPARC is planned to be the first experimental device ever to achieve a 'burning plasma' -- a self-sustaining fusion reaction in which different isotopes of the element hydrogen fuse together to form helium, without the need for any further input of energy.
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from All Top News -- ScienceDaily
Sunday, 27 September 2020
डॉगी ने पेश की मानवता की मिशाल, वीडियो देख आप कहेंगे भई वाह!

from Jagran Hindi News - news:oddnews
Thursday, 24 September 2020
सड़क किनारे खड़ी गाड़ी में घुसा अजगर, वीडियो देख आप हो जाएंगे हैरान

from Jagran Hindi News - news:oddnews
Some severe COVID-19 cases linked to genetic mutations or antibodies that attack the body
Two new studies offer an explanation for why COVID-19 cases can be so variable. A subset of patients has mutations in key immunity genes; other patients have auto-antibodies that target the same components of the immune system. Both circumstances could contribute to severe forms of the disease.
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from All Top News -- ScienceDaily
Monday, 21 September 2020
Comet discovered to have its own northern lights
Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko has its own far-ultraviolet aurora, data reveal. It is the first time such electromagnetic emissions in the far-ultraviolet have been documented on a celestial object other than a planet or moon.
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from All Top News -- ScienceDaily
जब केकड़े ने लगाया सिगरेट का कश, वीडियो देख हंसी नहीं रोक पाएंगे आप

from Jagran Hindi News - news:oddnews
Saturday, 19 September 2020
कोराना से बचने के लिए छोटे बच्चे ने अपने डॉगी के साथ खेला बेसबॉल...

from Jagran Hindi News - news:oddnews
Friday, 18 September 2020
दिव्यांग किसान ने अपनी प्रतिभा का मनवाया लोहा, वीडियो देख नम हो जाएंगी आंखें

from Jagran Hindi News - news:oddnews
Thursday, 17 September 2020
चिंपैंजी ने वन में जाने से पहले किया कुछ ऐसा, वीडियो देख हो जाएंगे हैरान

from Jagran Hindi News - news:oddnews
Wednesday, 16 September 2020
Ancient volcanoes once boosted ocean carbon, but humans are now far outpacing them
A new study of an ancient period that is considered the closest natural analog to the era of modern human carbon emissions has found that massive volcanism sent great waves of carbon into the oceans over thousands of years -- but that nature did not come close to matching what humans are doing today.
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from All Top News -- ScienceDaily
Monday, 14 September 2020
लड़के ने शूज शॉप पर किया कुछ ऐसा, वीडियो देख आप अपनी हंसी नहीं रोक पाएंगे

from Jagran Hindi News - news:oddnews
Possible marker of life spotted on venus
Astronomers have discovered a rare molecule -- phosphine -- in the clouds of Venus. On Earth, this gas is only made industrially or by microbes that thrive in oxygen-free environments. Astronomers have speculated for decades that high clouds on Venus could offer a home for microbes -- floating free of the scorching surface but needing to tolerate very high acidity. The detection of phosphine could point to such extra-terrestrial 'aerial' life.
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from All Top News -- ScienceDaily
Sunday, 13 September 2020
टोयोटो के मालिक Akio Toyoda ने दी ऐसी सौगात, खुशी से झूम उठे छात्र व छात्राएं

from Jagran Hindi News - news:oddnews
Saturday, 12 September 2020
Friday, 11 September 2020
व्यक्ति ने पेश की मानवता की मिशाल, वीडियो देख आपकी आंखें छलक उठेंगी

from Jagran Hindi News - news:oddnews
Thursday, 10 September 2020
High-fidelity record of Earth's climate history puts current changes in context
Scientists have compiled a continuous, high-fidelity record of variations in Earth's climate extending 66 million years into the past. The record reveals four distinctive climate states, which the researchers dubbed Hothouse, Warmhouse, Coolhouse, and Icehouse. These major climate states persisted for millions and sometimes tens of millions of years, and within each one the climate shows rhythmic variations corresponding to changes in Earth's orbit around the sun.
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from All Top News -- ScienceDaily
New Hubble data suggests there is an ingredient missing from current dark matter theories
Recent observations have found that something may be missing from the theories of how dark matter behaves. This missing ingredient may explain why researchers have uncovered an unexpected discrepancy between observations of the dark matter concentrations in a sample of massive galaxy clusters and theoretical computer simulations of how dark matter should be distributed in clusters.
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from All Top News -- ScienceDaily
How coronavirus took hold in North America and in Europe
Early interventions were effective at stamping out coronavirus infections before they spread, according to a new study. Combining virus genomics with epidemiologic simulations and travel records, the research shows that in both the United States and in Europe, sustained transmission networks became established only after separate introductions of the virus that went undetected.
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from All Top News -- ScienceDaily
COVID-19 study links strict social distancing to much lower chance of infection
Using public transportation, visiting a place of worship, or otherwise traveling from the home is associated with a significantly higher likelihood of testing positive with the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, while practicing strict social distancing is associated with a markedly lower likelihood.
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from All Top News -- ScienceDaily
हाथी ने सेल्फी गर्ल को सिखाया ऐसा सबक, वीडियो देख हंसते-हंसते हो जाएंगे लोटपोट

from Jagran Hindi News - news:oddnews
Wednesday, 9 September 2020
Unconscious learning underlies belief in God, study suggests
Individuals who can unconsciously predict complex patterns, an ability called implicit pattern learning, are likely to hold stronger beliefs that there is a god who creates patterns of events in the universe, according to neuroscientists.
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from All Top News -- ScienceDaily
Sunday, 6 September 2020
दिव्यांग व्यक्ति ने हवा में की ऐसी कलाबाजी, वीडियो देख लोग दे रहे हैं शाबाशी

from Jagran Hindi News - news:oddnews
Saturday, 5 September 2020
Europe's largest Solar Telescope GREGOR unveils magnetic details of the Sun
GREGOR, the largest solar telescope in Europe, has obtained unprecedented images of the fine-structure of the Sun. Following a major redesign of GREGOR's optics, the Sun can be observed at a higher resolution than before from Europe.
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from All Top News -- ScienceDaily
Thursday, 3 September 2020
व्यक्ति ने अपनी जान पर खेलकर भेड़िए की बचाई जान, वीडियो देख हो जाएंगे हैरान

from Jagran Hindi News - news:oddnews
True size of prehistoric mega-shark finally revealed
A new study has revealed the size of the legendary giant shark Megalodon, including fins that are as large as an adult human.
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from All Top News -- ScienceDaily
Has Earth's oxygen rusted the Moon for billions of years?
To the surprise of many planetary scientists, the oxidized iron mineral hematite has been discovered at high latitudes on the Moon.
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from All Top News -- ScienceDaily
Wednesday, 2 September 2020
A 'bang' in LIGO and Virgo detectors signals most massive gravitational-wave source yet
Researchers have detected a signal from what may be the most massive black hole merger yet observed in gravitational waves. The product of the merger is the first clear detection of an 'intermediate-mass' black hole, with a mass between 100 and 1,000 times that of the sun.
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from All Top News -- ScienceDaily
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