Nuclear physicists conducted a physics experiment that utilizes novel techniques to study the nature and origin of heavy elements in the universe.
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Monday, 30 March 2020
Old human cells rejuvenated with stem cell technology
Old human cells return to a more youthful and vigorous state after being induced to briefly express a panel of proteins involved in embryonic development, according to a new study.
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A Martian mash up: Meteorites tell story of Mars' water history
Researchers probed Martian meteorites to reconstruct Mars' chaotic history. Their findings suggest that Mars might not have had a global magma ocean.
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from All Top News -- ScienceDaily
Sunday, 29 March 2020
Viral Video: Lockdown में खाली सड़कों पर निकले वन्य जीव, उनका अंदाज लोगों को आ रहा पसंद

from Jagran Hindi News - news:oddnews
Neanderthals ate mussels, fish, and seals too
Over 80,000 years ago, Neanderthals fed themselves on mussels, fish and other marine life. The first evidence has been found by an international team in the cave of Figueira Brava in Portugal. The excavated layers date from 86,000 to 106,000 years ago, the period when Neanderthals settled in Europe. Sourcing food from the sea at that time had only been attributed to anatomically modern humans in Africa.
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In Earth's largest extinction, land animal die-offs began long before marine extinction
Because of poor dates for land fossils laid down before and after the mass extinction at the end of the Permian, paleontologists assumed that the terrestrial extinctions from Gondwana occurred at the same time as the better-documented marine extinctions. But a new study provides more precise dates for South African fossils and points to a long, perhaps 400,000-year period of extinction on land before the rapid marine extinction 252 million years ago.
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Thursday, 26 March 2020
Worldwide scientific collaboration unveils genetic architecture of gray matter
For the first time, more 360 scientists from 184 different institutions have contributed to a global effort to find more than 200 regions of the genome and more than 300 specific genetic variations that affect the structure of the cerebral cortex and likely play important roles in psychiatric and neurological conditions.
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As the ocean warms, marine species relocate toward the poles
Since pre-industrial times, the world's oceans have warmed by an average of one degree Celsius (1°C). Now researchers report that those rising temperatures have led to widespread changes in the population sizes of marine species. The researchers found a general pattern of species having increasing numbers on their poleward sides and losses toward the equator.
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New mathematical model can more effectively track epidemics
As COVID-19 spreads worldwide, leaders are relying on mathematical models to make public health and economic decisions. A new model improves tracking of epidemics by accounting for mutations in diseases. Now, the researchers are working to apply their model to allow leaders to evaluate the effects of countermeasures to epidemics before they deploy them.
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Tuesday, 24 March 2020
Singapore modelling study estimates impact of physical distancing on reducing spread of COVID-19
A new modelling study conducted in a simulated Singapore setting has estimated that a combined approach of physical distancing interventions, comprising quarantine (for infected individuals and their families), school closure, and workplace distancing, is most effective at reducing the number of SARS-CoV-2 cases compared with other intervention scenarios included in the study.
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Viral Video: मुंबई का मरीन ड्राइव है सूना, लेकिन डॉल्फिन्स की मस्ती का वीडियो वायरल!

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Monday, 23 March 2020
Ancestor of all animals identified in Australian fossils
Geologists have discovered the first ancestor on the family tree that contains most animals today, including humans. The wormlike creature, Ikaria wariootia, is the earliest bilaterian, or organism with a front and back, two symmetrical sides, and openings at either end connected by a gut. It was found in Ediacaran Period deposits in Australia and was 2-7 millimeters long, with the largest the size of a grain of rice.
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from All Top News -- ScienceDaily
Device brings silicon computing power to brain research and prosthetics
A new device enables researchers to observe hundreds of neurons in the brain in real-time. The system is based on modified silicon chips from cameras, but rather than taking a picture, it takes a movie of the neural electrical activity.
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East Antarctica's Denman Glacier has retreated almost 3 miles over last 22 years
East Antarctica's Denman Glacier has retreated 5 kilometers, nearly 3 miles, in the past 22 years, and researchers are concerned that the shape of the ground surface beneath the ice sheet could make it even more susceptible to climate-driven collapse.
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from All Top News -- ScienceDaily
The right dose of geoengineering could reduce climate change risks
Injecting the right dose of sulphur dioxide into Earth's upper atmosphere to thicken the layer of light reflecting aerosol particles artificially could reduce the effects of climate change overall, exacerbating change in only a small fraction of places, according to new research.
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New genetic editing powers discovered in squid
Revealing yet another super-power in the skillful squid, scientists have discovered that squid massively edit their own genetic instructions not only within the nucleus of their neurons, but also within the axon -- the long, slender neural projections that transmit electrical impulses to other neurons. This is the first time that edits to genetic information have been observed outside of the nucleus of an animal cell.
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Janta Curfew Viral Video: जनता कर्फ्यू में महिलाओं ने किया कुछ ऐसा, वीडियो हो रहा है वायरल

from Jagran Hindi News - news:oddnews
Friday, 20 March 2020
Viral Video : Orangutan पर कोरोनावायरस का असर, ये वीडियो देख आप भी रह जाएंगे हैरान

from Jagran Hindi News - news:oddnews
The strange orbits of 'Tatooine' planetary disks
Astronomers using the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) have found striking orbital geometries in protoplanetary disks around binary stars. While disks orbiting the most compact binary star systems share very nearly the same plane, disks encircling wide binaries have orbital planes that are severely tilted. These systems can teach us about planet formation in complex environments.
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from All Top News -- ScienceDaily
Thursday, 19 March 2020
Fine-tuning radiocarbon dating could 'rewrite' ancient events
A new paper points out the need for an important new refinement to radiocarbon dating. The research has relevance for understanding key dates in Mediterranean history and prehistory, including the tomb of Tutankhamen and a controversial but important volcanic eruption on the Greek island of Santorini.
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from All Top News -- ScienceDaily
Sea otters, opossums and the surprising ways pathogens move from land to sea
A parasite known only to be hosted in North America by the Virginia opossum is infecting sea otters along the West Coast. A new study elucidates the sometimes surprising and complex pathways infectious pathogens can move from land to sea to sea otter.
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Wednesday, 18 March 2020
Mysterious bone circles made from the remains of mammoths reveal clues about Ice Age
Mysterious bone circles made from the remains of dozens of mammoths have revealed clues about how ancient communities survived Europe's ice age.
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Early evolution of the brain's cortex revealed in new study
Research on the lamprey brain has enabled scientists to push the birth of the cortex back in time by some 300 million years to over 500 million years ago, providing new insights into brain evolution.
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Mercury's scorching daytime heat may help it make its own ice at caps
Despite Mercury's 400-degree Celsius daytime heat, there is ice at its caps. And now a study shows how that Vulcan scorch probably helps the planet closest to the sun make some of that ice.
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Coronavirus Viral Video: गुरुग्राम के लोगों ने कोरोना वायरस को हराने के लिए गायत्री मंत्र के साथ गाने का लिया सहारा

from Jagran Hindi News - news:oddnews
COVID-19 coronavirus epidemic has a natural origin
An analysis of public genome sequence data from SARS-CoV-2 and related viruses found no evidence that the virus was made in a laboratory or otherwise engineered.
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Corona Myth Busters: कोरोना से बचने का यह वीडियो हुआ वायरल, संदेश आपको भी आएगा पसंद

from Jagran Hindi News - news:oddnews
Tuesday, 17 March 2020
Even a limited India-Pakistan nuclear war would bring global famine, says study
A new multinational study incorporating the latest models of global climate, crop production and trade examines the possible effects of a nuclear exchange between two longtime enemies: India and Pakistan. It suggests that even a limited war between the two would cause unprecedented planet-wide food shortages and probable starvation lasting more than a decade.
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New coronavirus stable for hours on surfaces
New research finds that the virus that causes coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is stable for several hours to days in aerosols and on surfaces. Scientists found that severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) was detectable in aerosols for up to three hours, up to four hours on copper, up to 24 hours on cardboard and up to two to three days on plastic and stainless steel.
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from All Top News -- ScienceDaily
Viral Video- ‘वर्क फ्रॉम होम’ का शानदार उदाहरण है यह, सोशल मीडिया पर खूब शेयर कर रहे लोग

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Bicycle Race Video: रेस में हैरतअंगेज तरीके से बिना पैडल मारे निकला सबसे आगे, स्कूटर वाला भी छूटा पीछे

from Jagran Hindi News - news:oddnews
Monday, 16 March 2020
Coronavirus spreads quickly and sometimes before people have symptoms, study finds
Infectious disease researchers studying the novel coronavirus were able to identify how quickly the virus can spread, a factor that may help public health officials in their efforts at containment. They found that time between cases in a chain of transmission is less than a week and that more than 10 percent of patients are infected by somebody who has the virus but does not yet have symptoms.
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Leopard Rescued Viral Video: तेंदुए के लिए देवदूत बनकर आए वन्य अधिकारी, रेस्क्यू ऑपरेशन का वीडियो वायरल

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Sunday, 15 March 2020
Coronavirus Monkeys Fight: बंदरों पर कोरोनावायरस का असर, ये वीडियो देख आप भी रह जाएंगे हैरान

from Jagran Hindi News - news:oddnews
Saturday, 14 March 2020
जब डॉगी ही बन गया मालिक का जिम ट्रेनर! ये वीडियो देख आप भी यकीन कर लेंगे

from Jagran Hindi News - news:oddnews
Friday, 13 March 2020
गिलहरी और कोबरा की फाइट का वीडियो हुआ वायरल, देखकर रह जाएंगे दंग

from Jagran Hindi News - news:oddnews
Thursday, 12 March 2020
Water splitting advance holds promise for affordable renewable energy
A team has developed a less expensive water electrolysis system that works under alkaline conditions but still produces hydrogen at comparable rates to the currently used system that works under acidic conditions and requires precious metals. This advance brings down the cost of water splitting technology, offering a more viable way to store energy from solar and wind power in the form of hydrogen fuel.
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New minor planets found beyond Neptune
Using data from the Dark Energy Survey, researchers have found and cataloged more than 300 minor planets beyond Neptune, including more than 100 new discoveries. This updated catalog of trans-Neptunian objects, and the methods used to find them, could aid in future searches for undiscovered planets in the far reaches of the solar system.
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Exoplanet where it rains iron discovered
Researchers have observed an extreme planet where they suspect it rains iron. The ultra-hot giant exoplanet has a day side where temperatures climb above 2400 degrees Celsius, high enough to vaporize metals. Strong winds carry iron vapor to the cooler night side where it condenses into iron droplets.
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Heat stress may affect more than 1.2 billion people annually by 2100
Heat stress from extreme heat and humidity will annually affect areas now home to 1.2 billion people by 2100, assuming current greenhouse gas emissions, according to a new study. That's more than four times the number of people affected today, and more than 12 times the number who would have been affected without industrial era global warming.
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Monday, 9 March 2020
Ancient shell shows days were half-hour shorter 70 million years ago
Earth turned faster at the end of the time of the dinosaurs than it does today, rotating 372 times a year, compared to the current 365, according to a new study of fossil mollusk shells from the late Cretaceous. The new measurement informs models of how the Moon formed and how close to Earth it has been over the 4.5-billion-year history of the Earth-Moon gravitational dance.
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J & K Cop rapping: जम्मू-कश्मीर पुलिस का जवान रातोंरात हुआ वायरल, रैप सॉन्ग लोगों को खूब आ रहा पसंद

from Jagran Hindi News - news:oddnews
Sunday, 8 March 2020
IWD 2020: इंसानों ही नहीं जानवरों में भी होती हैं ममता, अंतर्राष्ट्रीय महिला दिवस पर देखें हथिनी का प्यार

from Jagran Hindi News - news:oddnews
Friday, 6 March 2020
Scientists monitor brains replaying memories in real time
In a study of epilepsy patients, researchers monitored the electrical activity of thousands of individual brain cells, called neurons, as patients took memory tests. They found that the firing patterns of the cells that occurred when patients learned a word pair were replayed fractions of a second before they successfully remembered the pair.
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ऐसी जगह जहां औरतों के लिए 'वेलकम', लेकिन मर्दों की है 'नो एंट्री'

from Jagran Hindi News - news:oddnews
Thursday, 5 March 2020
To predict an epidemic, evolution can't be ignored
Whether it's coronavirus or misinformation, scientists can use mathematical models to predict how something will spread across populations. But what happens if a pathogen mutates, or information becomes modified, changing the speed at which it spreads? Researchers now show for the first time how important these considerations are.
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Almost alien: Antarctic subglacial lakes are cold, dark and full of secrets
More than half of the planet's fresh water is in Antarctica. While most of it is frozen in the ice sheets, underneath the ice pools and streams of water flow into one another and into the Southern Ocean surrounding the continent. Understanding the movement of this water, and what is dissolved in it as solutes, reveals how carbon and nutrients from the land may support life in the coastal ocean.
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The brains of shrimps and insects are more alike than we thought
Crustaceans share a brain structure known to be crucial for learning and memory in insects, researchers have discovered.
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The microbes in your mouth, and a reminder to floss and go to the dentist
Most people know that good oral hygiene -- brushing, flossing, and regular dental visits -- is linked to good health. Microbiome researchers offer fresh evidence to support that conventional wisdom, by taking a close look at invisible communities of microbes that live in every mouth. Their study found a correlation between people who did not visit the dentist regularly and increased presence of a pathogen that causes periodontal disease.
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Design of inorganic materials for brain-like computing
Ever wish your computer could think like you do or perhaps even understand you? That future may not be now, but it's one step closer, thanks to scientists and engineers and their recent discovery of a materials-based mimic for the neural signals responsible for transmitting information within the human brain.
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from All Top News -- ScienceDaily
Tuesday, 3 March 2020
Geologists determine early Earth was a 'water world' by studying exposed ocean crust
Geologists have studied exposed, 3.2-billion-year-old ocean crust in Australia and used that rock data to build a quantitative, inverse model of ancient seawater. The model indicates the early Earth could have been a 'water world' with submerged continents.
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Why is there any matter in the universe at all? New study sheds light
Scientists have measured a property of the neutron -- a fundamental particle in the universe -- more precisely than ever before.
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Mother Love: मादा कठफोड़वा और सांप की लड़ाई हुई वायरल, वजह है कुछ खास

from Jagran Hindi News - news:oddnews
Monday, 2 March 2020
Viral Video: इंसानी गलतियां बेजुबानों के लिए आफत, अजगर के पेट से निकाला बड़ा टॉवेल

from Jagran Hindi News - news:oddnews
Sunday, 1 March 2020
OMG! बुजुर्ग महिला के शरीर में बनने लगा एल्कोहल, रिपोर्ट्स देख डॉक्टर भी हैरान

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