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Thursday 31 December 2020

श्रीरंगम मंदिर में हथिनी ने किया कुछ ऐसा, वीडियो देख हैरान हैरान हो जाएंगे

इस वीडियो में साफ़ देखा जा रहा है कि एक महावत मंदिर परिसर में स्थित कमरे की चौखट पर बैठा है। वहीं हथिनी भी महावत के पास आ जाती है। इसके बाद दोनों तमिल भाषा में संवाद करते हैं। यह दृश्य अति मनमोहक है। महावत कई सवाल करता है।

from Jagran Hindi News - news:oddnews

Tuesday 29 December 2020

New class of antibiotics active against a wide range of bacteria

Scientists have discovered a new class of compounds that uniquely combine direct antibiotic killing of pan drug-resistant bacterial pathogens with a simultaneous rapid immune response for combating antimicrobial resistance (AMR).

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Primordial black holes and the search for dark matter from the multiverse

Astronomers are studying black holes that could have formed in the early universe, before stars and galaxies were born. Such primordial black holes (PBHs) could account for all or part of dark matter, be responsible for some of the observed gravitational waves signals, and seed supermassive black holes found in the center of our Galaxy and other galaxies.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Discovery boosts theory that life on Earth arose from RNA-DNA mix

Chemists have made a discovery that supports a surprising new view of how life originated on our planet. They demonstrated that a simple compound called diamidophosphate (DAP), which was plausibly present on Earth before life arose, could have chemically knitted together tiny DNA building blocks called deoxynucleosides into strands of primordial DNA.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

How our brains track where we and others go

A new study reveals how your brain navigates places and monitors someone else in the same location. The findings suggest that our brains generate a common code to mark where other people are in relation to ourselves.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Sunday 27 December 2020

Year Ender 2020: कोकिला बेन से लेकर अनुश्रुत तक, ये हैं साल 2020 के टॉप 5 वायरल वीडियो

इस लिस्ट में पहले नंबर पर कोकिला बेन का वीडियो है जो लॉकडाउन के दौरान बहुत पॉपुलर हुआ था। खासकर ट्विटर पर वीडियो ने धमाल मचा दिया था। इस वीडियो में कोकिला बेन राशि और गोपी बहू के सवांद को म्यूजिक कम्पोज कर सोशल मीडिया पर शेयर किया गया था।

from Jagran Hindi News - news:oddnews

Saturday 26 December 2020

सड़क पर दिखी जुगाड़ से बनी ऐसी कार, वीडियो देख हो जाएंगे हैरान

इस क्रम में सोशल मीडिया पर एक वीडियो वायरल हो रहा है जिसे देख आप हैरान हो जाएंगे। इस हैरानगी में आप कह उठेंगे ऐसा केवल भारत में संभव है। इस वीडियो में साफ़ देखा जा रहा है कि सड़क पर एक बैल दिख रहा है।

from Jagran Hindi News - news:oddnews

Thursday 24 December 2020

चोर ने महिला से पर्स छीनने कोशिश की, तो स्ट्रीट डॉग ने ऐसे सिखाया सबक

इस वीडियो को भारतीय वन सेवा के अधिकारी सुशांत नंदा ने सोशल मीडिया ट्विटर पर अपने अकांउट से शेयर किया है। इसके कैप्शन में उन्होंने लिखा है-इस स्ट्रीट डॉग को किस नाम से पुकारेंगे। इस वीडियो को खबर लिखे जाने तक 1 लाख बार देखा गया है।

from Jagran Hindi News - news:oddnews

Tuesday 22 December 2020

The upside of volatile space weather

Although stellar flares are typically viewed as a detriment to habitability, study shows 'life might still have a fighting chance.' Researchers find that flares drive a planets atmospheric composition to a new chemical equilibrium.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Neuroscientists isolate promising mini antibodies against COVID-19 from a llama

Researchers have isolated a set of promising, tiny antibodies, or 'nanobodies,' against SARS-CoV-2 that were produced by a llama named Cormac. Preliminary results suggest that at least one of these nanobodies, called NIH-CoVnb-112, could prevent infections and detect virus particles by grabbing hold of SARS-CoV-2 spike proteins. In addition, the nanobody appeared to work equally well in either liquid or aerosol form, suggesting it could remain effective after inhalation.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

The aroma of distant worlds

Asian spices such as turmeric and fruits like the banana had already reached the Mediterranean more than 3000 years ago, much earlier than previously thought. A team of researchers has shown that even in the Bronze Age, long-distance trade in food was already connecting distant societies.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Climate change: Threshold for dangerous warming will likely be crossed between 2027-2042

The threshold for dangerous global warming will likely be crossed between 2027 and 2042 -- a much narrower window than the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's estimate of between now and 2052. Researchers introduce a new and more precise way to project the Earth's temperature. Based on historical data, it considerably reduces uncertainties compared to previous approaches.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Volcanic eruptions directly triggered ocean acidification during Early Cretaceous

A new study supports the hypothesis that the Ontong Java Plateau large igneous province eruptions led to oceanic anoxic event 1a, 127 to 100 million years ago.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Sunday 20 December 2020

Covid-19 Vaccine के आगमन पर स्वास्थ्यकर्मियों ने किया ऐसा डांस, वीडियो देख नम हो जाएंगी आंखें

सोशल मीडिया पर एक वीडियो वायरल हो रहा है जिसे देख आप भी ख़ुशी से झूम उठेंगे। इस वीडियो में साफ़ देखा जा रहा है कि स्वास्थ्यकर्मी अस्पताल के बाहर पीपीई किट में डांस करते नजर आ रहे हैं। यह वीडियो boston medical center के बाहर की है।

from Jagran Hindi News - news:oddnews

Saturday 19 December 2020

Dark storm on Neptune reverses direction, possibly shedding a fragment

Astronomers using NASA's Hubble Space Telescope watched a mysterious dark vortex on Neptune abruptly steer away from a likely death on the giant blue planet.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Pocket pay के जरिए बीच सड़क पर महिला ट्रैफिक हवलदार ने ली रिश्वत, वीडियो देख हो जाएंगे हैरान

इस वीडियो को Jaane bhi do Yaro ने ट्विटर पर अपने अकांउट से शेयर किया है। इसके कैप्शन में लिखा है- No Google pay No Phone pe No UPI...... Direct Pocket pay। इस वीडियो को खबर लिखे जाने तक 21 हजार से अधिक बार देखा गया है।

from Jagran Hindi News - news:oddnews

Thursday 17 December 2020

COVID-19 virus enters the brain, research strongly suggests

The SARS-CoV-2 virus, like many viruses before it, is bad news for the brain. In a new study, researchers found that the spike protein, often depicted as the red arms of the virus, can cross the blood-brain barrier in mice. The spike proteins alone can cause brain fog. Since the spike protein enters the brain, the virus also is likely to cross into the brain.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

What's up, Skip? Kangaroos really can 'talk' to us, study finds

Animals that have never been domesticated, such as kangaroos, can intentionally communicate with humans, challenging the notion that this behavior is usually restricted to domesticated animals like dogs, horses or goats, a new study has found.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Climate change -- not Genghis Khan -- caused the demise of Central Asia's river civilizations, research shows

While Genghis Khan and Mongol invasion is often blamed for the fall of Central Asia's medieval river civilizations, new research shows it may have been down to climate change. Researchers conducted analysis on the region and found that falling water levels may have led to the fall of civilizations around the Aral Sea Basin, as they depended on the water for irrigation-based farming.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

सांप ने व्यक्ति पर किया जानलेवा हमला, वीडियो देख हो जाएंगे हैरान

इस वीडियो में साफ़ देखा जा रहा है कि एक व्यक्ति ऑफिस में बैठा किसी अन्य व्यक्ति का इंतजार कर रहा है अथवा किसी कार्य के लिए आया है। तभी एक सांप ऑफिस में बड़ी जल्दी से घुस जाता है।

from Jagran Hindi News - news:oddnews

Wednesday 16 December 2020

New type of atomic clock keeps time even more precisely

A newly-designed atomic clock uses entangled atoms to keep time even more precisely than its state-of-the-art counterparts. The design could help scientists detect dark matter and study gravity's effect on time.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Plastics pose threat to human health, report shows

Plastics contain and leach hazardous chemicals, including endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) that threaten human health. An authoritative new report presents a summary of international research on the health impacts of EDCs and describes the alarming health effects of widespread contamination from EDCs in plastics.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

The DNA regions in our brain that contribute to make us human

With only 1 percent difference, the human and chimpanzee protein-coding genomes are remarkably similar. Understanding the biological features that make us human is part of a fascinating and intensely debated line of research. Researchers have developed a new approach to pinpoint adaptive human-specific changes in the way genes are regulated in the brain.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

The melting of the Greenland ice sheet could lead to a sea level rise of 18 cm in 2100

A new study applying the latest climate models predicts a 60 percent greater melting of the Greenland ice sheet than previously predicted. Data that will be included in the next IPCC report.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Scientists show what loneliness looks like in the brain

A new study shows a sort of signature in the brains of lonely people that make them distinct in fundamental ways, based on variations in the volume of different brain regions as well as based on how those regions communicate with one another across brain networks.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Astronomers detect possible radio emission from exoplanet

By monitoring the cosmos with a radio telescope array, an international team of scientists has detected radio bursts emanating from the constellation Boötes. The signal could be the first radio emission collected from a planet beyond our solar system.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Monday 14 December 2020

जब किंग कॉन्ग को आया गुस्सा, तो हमला कर महिला को किया घायल

वन कर्मी किसी सांकेतिक भाषा से चिंपैंजी को आवाज लगाते हैं। कुछ पल बाद कई चिंपैंजी एक साथ बाहर निकल आते हैं और अपनी स्टाइल में उपस्थिति दर्ज कराते हैं। इनमें एक बड़ा किंग कॉन्ग आक्रमक रूप में दिखता है।

from Jagran Hindi News - news:oddnews

Friday 11 December 2020

व्यक्ति ने की ऐसी हैरतअंगेज लड़ाई, वीडियो देख आप अपनी हंसी नहीं रोक पाएंगे

एक व्यक्ति किसी अन्य व्यक्ति से झगड़ता रहता है। इस दौरान व्यक्ति गुस्से में दूसरे व्यक्ति को मारने के लिए अपना हाथ उठा लेता है लेकिन हिट नहीं करता है बल्कि अपने हाथ को पीछे ले जाकर खुद को हिट करता है।

from Jagran Hindi News - news:oddnews

Exoplanet around distant star resembles reputed 'Planet Nine' in our solar system

Astronomers think planets can exist in orbits far from their star, and propose a two-step process: interactions with the star or inner planets kick it out of the inner system, and then a passing star stabilizes the orbit to keep it bound. Such a scenario could explain the hypothesized 'Planet Nine' in our solar system. Astronomers has now confirmed that one binary star system, HD 106906, has a planet in a bound, highly eccentric orbit.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Wednesday 9 December 2020

कोरोना पर लगाम के लिए मुंबई पुलिस ने लिया नाराज बच्चे का सहारा, वीडियो देख कहेंगे भई वाह!

इस वीडियो को अब तक तकरीबन 90 हजार बार देखा गया है। वहीं तकरीबन 19 हजार लोगों ने पसंद किया है। अनुश्रुत का यह वीडियो पाकिस्तान में खूब वायरल हुआ था और एक न्यूज़ चैनल पर अनुश्रुत के वीडियो को दिखाया भी गया था।

from Jagran Hindi News - news:oddnews

A technique to sift out the universe's first gravitational waves

A new technique may sift out universe's very first gravitational waves. Identifying primordial ripples would be key to understanding conditions of the early universe.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Researchers develop rapid genomics strategy to trace coronavirus

A team of researchers is pioneering the use of a fast genomic sequencing technology to help determine the source of hard-to-trace coronavirus cases.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Evolution may be to blame for high risk of advanced cancers in humans

Compared to chimpanzees, our closest evolutionary cousins, humans are particularly prone to developing advanced carcinomas -- the type of tumors that include prostate, breast, lung and colorectal cancers -- even in the absence of known risk factors, such as genetic predisposition or tobacco use. A recent study helps explain why.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

How the brain remembers right place, right time

Two new studies shed new light on how the brain encodes time and place into memories. The findings not only add to the body of fundamental research on memory, but could eventually provide the basis for new treatments to combat memory loss from conditions such as traumatic brain injury or Alzheimer's disease.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Neanderthals buried their dead: New evidence

Was burial of the dead practiced by Neanderthals or is it an innovation specific to our species? Researchers have demonstrated, using a variety of criteria, that a Neanderthal child was buried, probably around 41,000 years ago, at the Ferrassie site (Dordogne, France).

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Paleontologists find pterosaur precursors that fill a gap in early evolutionary history

With the help of newly discovered skulls and skeletons that were unearthed in North America, Brazil, Argentina, and Madagascar in recent years, researchers have demonstrated that a group of 'dinosaur precursors,' called lagerpetids, are the closest relatives of pterosaurs.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Obesity impairs immune cell function, accelerates tumor growth

A new study in mice finds that a high-fat diet allows cancer cells to outcompete immune cells for fuel, impairing immune function and accelerating tumor growth. Cancer cells do so by rewiring their metabolisms to increase fat consumption. Blocking this rewiring enhances anti-tumor immunity. The findings suggest new strategies to target cancer metabolism and improve immunotherapies.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Science of sandcastles is clarified, finally

New research provides a solution for the century-and-half-old puzzle of why capillary condensation, a fundamentally microscopic phenomenon involving a few molecular layers of water, can be described reasonably well using macroscopic equations and macroscopic characteristics of bulk water. Is it a coincidence or a hidden law of nature?

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Spiders in space: Without gravity, light becomes key to orientation

Humans have taken spiders into space more than once to study the importance of gravity to their web-building. What originally began as a somewhat unsuccessful PR experiment for high school students has yielded the surprising insight that light plays a larger role in arachnid orientation than previously thought.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

New superhighway system discovered in the Solar System

Researchers have discovered a new superhighway network to travel through the Solar System much faster than was previously possible. Such routes can drive comets and asteroids near Jupiter to Neptune's distance in under a decade and to 100 astronomical units in less than a century. They could be used to send spacecraft to the far reaches of our planetary system relatively fast, and to monitor and understand near-Earth objects that might collide with our planet.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Sunday 6 December 2020

Researchers uncover key clues about the solar system's history

Researchers have used magnetism to determine, for the first time, when asteroids that are rich in water and amino acids first arrived in the inner solar system.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Crystals may help reveal hidden Kilauea Volcano behavior

Researchers used millimeter-sized crystals from the 1959 eruption of Hawaii's Kilauea Volcano to test models that offer insights about flow conditions prior to and during an eruption.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Saturday 5 December 2020

मां ने पेश की ममता की मिसाल, ऐसे बचाई अपने बच्चे की जान

इस वीडियो को भारतीय वन सेवा के अधिकारी सुशांत नंदा ने सोशल मीडिया ट्विटर पर अपने अकांउट से शेयर किया है। इसके कैप्शन में उन्होंने लिखा है-पुंछ वह कभी असफल नहीं होता...हाथ जोड़कर...मां तुझे सलाम। इस वीडियो को खबर लिखे जाने तक तकरीबन 42 हजार बार देखा गया है।

from Jagran Hindi News - news:oddnews

Friday 4 December 2020

लड़की ने गाया ऐसा गाना, यूजर ने कहा-11 बार जाप करने से नहीं होता कोरोना

सोशल मीडिया पर एक वीडियो वायरल हो रहा है जिसे देख लोग कोरोना से संबंधित मीम्स बना रहे हैं। इस वीडियो में साफ देखा जा रहा है कि एक मलयालमी लड़की किसी ऑडिशन में गाना गा रही है। इस गाने को लड़की एक स्वर में गाती है।

from Jagran Hindi News - news:oddnews

Thursday 3 December 2020

What social distancing does to a fish brain

Researchers have discovered a brain molecule that functions as a 'thermometer' for the presence of others in an animal's environment. Zebrafish 'feel' the presence of others via mechanosensation and water movements -- which turns the brain hormone on.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

गिलहरी ने लगाई ऐसी दौड़, यूजर ने कहा-मायके जाने की खुशी है भाई

इस क्रम में सोशल मीडिया पर एक वीडियो वारल हो रहा है जिसमें एक गिलहरी भी वीकेंड ऑफ को व्यक्त कर रही है। इस वीडियो में साफ़ देखा जा रहा है कि एक गिलहरी पेड़ पर है। तभी उसे कोई संकेत प्राप्त होता है।

from Jagran Hindi News - news:oddnews

Wednesday 2 December 2020

New Hubble data explains missing dark matter

The missing dark matter in certain galaxies can be explained by the effects of tidal disruption: the gravity forces of a neighboring massive galaxy, literally tearing the smaller galaxy apart.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Greenland ice sheet faces irreversible melting

Scientists predict Greenland ice sheet will pass a threshold beyond which it will never fully regrow and sea levels will be permanently higher in as little as 600 years under current climate change projections, as Greenland's climate would be permanently altered as the ice sheet shrinks.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Is it better to give than receive?

Young children who have experienced compassionate love and empathy from their mothers may be more willing to turn thoughts into action by being generous to others, a University of California, Davis, study suggests. Lab studies were done of children at ages 4 and 6.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Fingerprints' moisture-regulating mechanism strengthens human touch

Human fingerprints have a self-regulating moisture mechanism that not only helps us to avoid dropping our smartphone, but could help scientists to develop better prosthetic limbs, robotic equipment and virtual reality environments, a new study reveals.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Which factors trigger leaf die-off in autumn?

Researchers have identified a self-regulating mechanism in European deciduous trees that limits their growing-season length: Trees that photosynthesize more in spring and summer lose their leaves earlier in autumn.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

A hint of new physics in polarized radiation from the early universe

Astronomers developed a new method to calibrate detectors to the light from dust in our Galaxy, thereby describing a new physics, with 99.2 percent accuracy, that may show parity symmetry breaking.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Researchers determine how the SARS-CoV-2 virus hijacks and rapidly causes damage to human lung cells

Researchers have identified host proteins and pathways in lung cells whose levels change upon infection by the SARS-CoV-2, providing insights into disease pathology and new therapeutic targets to block COVID-19.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

New tests identify early changes in Alzheimer’s disease before symptoms appear

Researchers have found new forms of tau protein that become abnormal in the very early stages of Alzheimer's disease before cognitive problems develop. The scientists developed new tools to detect these subtle changes and confirmed their results in human samples.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Monday 30 November 2020

इंटरव्यू में बिहारी लड़के ने दिया ऐसा जवाब, रिपोर्टर की हुई बोलती बंद

इस वीडियो को Arun Bothra ने सोशल मीडिया ट्विटर पर अपने अकांउट से रीट्वीट किया है। इसके कैप्शन में उन्होंने लिखा है-बिहार में किसी से इंटरव्यू लेना आसान बात नहीं है। इस वीडियो को खबर लिखे जाने तक 1 लाख 30 हजार से अधिक बार देखा गया है।

from Jagran Hindi News - news:oddnews

Sunday 29 November 2020

Not just lizards: Alligators can regrow their tails too, new study reveals

Scientists have discovered that young alligators have the ability to regrow their tails up to three-quarters of a foot -- about 18 percent of their total body length. The researchers speculate that this ability to regrow tails gives the alligators a functional advantage in their murky aquatic habitats.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Saturday 28 November 2020

पाकिस्तान में सास ने दामाद को गिफ्ट में दी AK-47, यूजर्स ने ऐसे उड़ाया मजाक

इस वीडियो में साफ देखा जा रहा है कि एक शादी समारोह चल रहा है। सभी लोग खुशियां मना रहे हैं। दूल्हा और दूल्हन दोनों खुश हैं। तभी एक महिला आती है जो पहले दूल्हे को गले लगाकर मुबारकबाद देती है। इसके बाद महिला अपने सहयोगी से AK-47 मांगती हैं।

from Jagran Hindi News - news:oddnews

Thursday 26 November 2020

जब वृद्ध व्यक्ति ने डॉगी की जान बचाने के लिए घड़ियाल से लिया पंगा, वीडियो देख हो जाएंगे हैरान

इस वीडियो को Nature Is Scary ने सोशल मीडिया ट्विटर पर अपने अकांउट से शेयर किया है। इस वीडियो को खबर लिखे जाने तक 15 लाख से अधिक बार देखा गया है और तकरीबन 10 हजार लोगों ने लाइक किया है और 1700 लोगों ने रीट्वीट किया है।

from Jagran Hindi News - news:oddnews

Monday 23 November 2020

सिंह को भैसे से पंगा लेना पड़ा महंगा, वीडियो देख कह उठेंगे "शेर को सवा-सेर"

इस वीडियो को भारतीय वन सेवा के अधिकारी सुशांत नंदा ने सोशल मीडिया ट्विटर पर अपने अकांउट से शेयर किया है। इसके कैप्शन में उन्होंने लिखा है-जब सिंह को पटकनी दी गई। प्रकृति में विभिन्नता है। इस वीडियो को खबर लिखे जाने तक तकरीबन 20 हजार बार देखा गया है।

from Jagran Hindi News - news:oddnews

Sunday 22 November 2020

Zebra finches amazing at unmasking the bird behind the song

Like humans who can instantly tell which friend or relative is calling by the timbre of the person's voice, zebra finches have a near-human capacity for language mapping.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Researchers examine which approaches are most effective at reducing COVID-19 spread

Researchers have found that physical distancing is universally effective at reducing the spread of COVID-19, while social bubbles and masks are more situation-dependent. The researchers developed a model to test the effectiveness of measures such as physical distancing, masks or social bubbles when used in various settings.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Memories create 'fingerprints' that reveal how the brain is organized

While the broad architecture and organization of the human brain is universal, new research shows how the differences between how people reimagine common scenarios can be observed in brain activity and quantified. These unique neurological signatures could ultimately be used to understand, study, and even improve treatment of disorders such as Alzheimer's disease.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

A biochemical random number

Scientists have generated a huge true random number using DNA synthesis. It is the first time that a number of this magnitude has been created by biochemical means.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Field geology at Mars' equator points to ancient megaflood

Floods of unimaginable magnitude once washed through Gale Crater on Mars' equator around 4 billion years ago -- a finding that hints at the possibility that life may have existed there, according to data collected by NASA's Curiosity rover.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Saturday 21 November 2020

बंदर ने की ऐसी एक्सरसाइज, वीडियो देख आप हो जाएंगे हैरान

इस वीडियो में साफ़ देखा जा सकता है कि एक बंदर किसी जंगल में अपना करतब दिखा रहा है। हालांकि बंदर हमेशा उछल-कूदकर लोगों का मनोरंजन करते हैं लेकिन इस वीडियो में बंदर ने बैक फ्लिप कर लोगों का खूब मनोरंजन किया है।

from Jagran Hindi News - news:oddnews

Thursday 19 November 2020

सेल्फी लेने के चक्कर में झील में गिरा स्मार्टफोन, तो व्हेल मछली ने ऐसे की मदद

इस वीडियो में व्हेल मछली ने बुद्धिमानी का जो परिचय दिया है। वह वाकई में काबिलेतारीफ है। इस वीडियो में साफ़ देखा जा रहा है कि किसी समुद्री तट अथवा झील में एक व्हेल मछली तैर रही है। व्हेल मछली अपने में मस्त है।

from Jagran Hindi News - news:oddnews

Tuesday 17 November 2020

From the inside out: How the brain forms sensory memories

A new study identifies a region of the thalamus as a key source of signals encoding past experiences in the neocortex.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Healthy sleep habits help lower risk of heart failure

Healthy sleep habits are associated with a lower risk of heart failure. Adults with the healthiest sleep patterns (morning risers, sleeping 7-8 hours a day and no frequent insomnia, snoring or excessive daytime sleepiness) experienced a 42% reduction in the risk of heart failure compared to those with unhealthy sleep patterns.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Monday 16 November 2020

हिरणी ने हाईवे पर किया कुछ ऐसा, वीडियो देख भावुक हो उठेंगे आप

इस वीडियो को भारतीय वन सेवा के अधिकारी सुशांत नंदा ने सोशल मीडिया ट्विटर पर अपने अकांउट से रीट्वीट किया है। इसके कैप्शन में लिखा है-सड़क पर तेजी गति से ड्राइव न करें। आपकी इस गलती के चलते कोई बड़ी दुर्घटना हो सकती है।

from Jagran Hindi News - news:oddnews

Sunday 15 November 2020

NASA's SpaceX Crew-1 astronauts headed to International Space Station

An international crew of astronauts is en route to the International Space Station following a successful launch on the first NASA-certified commercial human spacecraft system in history. NASA's SpaceX Crew-1 mission lifted off at 7:27 p.m. EST Sunday from Launch Complex 39A at the agency's Kennedy Space Center in Florida.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Thursday 12 November 2020

चिंपैंजी और कछुए ने पेश की दोस्ती की ऐसी मिशाल, वीडियो देखकर हो जाएंगे हैरान

इस वीडियो में साफ़ देखा जा रहा है कि किसी पार्क में एक चिंपैंजी सेब खा रहा है। उसके बगल में एक अन्य चिंपैंजी भी है। साथ ही एक कछुआ भी है। चिंपैंजी रिलैक्स मुद्रा में बैठकर सेब खा रहा है और कछुए को भी खिला रहा है।

from Jagran Hindi News - news:oddnews

Wednesday 11 November 2020

Tree rings may hold clues to impacts of distant supernovas on Earth

Massive explosions of energy happening thousands of light-years from Earth may have left traces in our planet's biology and geology, according to new research.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Climate change causes landfalling hurricanes to stay stronger for longer

Climate change is causing hurricanes that make landfall to take more time to weaken, reports a new study. Researchers showed that hurricanes that develop over warmer oceans carry more moisture and therefore stay stronger for longer after hitting land. This means that in the future, as the world continues to warm, hurricanes are more likely to reach communities farther inland and be more destructive.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Poor nutrition in school years may have created 20 cm height gap across nations

A new global analysis has assessed the height and weight of school-aged children and adolescents across the world. The study revealed that school-aged children's height and weight, which are indicators of their health and quality of their diet, vary enormously.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Research identifies 'volume control' in the brain that supports learning and memory

A 'molecular volume knob' regulating electrical signals in the brain helps with learning and memory, according to a new study. The finding could help researchers in their search for ways to manage neurological disorders, including Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease and epilepsy.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Tuesday 10 November 2020

Large, delayed outbreaks of endemic diseases possible following COVID-19 controls

Measures such as mask wearing and social distancing that are key to reducing coronavirus infection have also greatly reduced the incidence of other diseases, such as influenza and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). But researchers report that current reductions in these common respiratory infections, however, may increase people's susceptibility to these diseases, resulting in large future outbreaks when they begin circulating again.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Water may be naturally occurring on all rocky planets

Life is deeply dependent on water, but where does water come from? Based on new research, researchers believe it may emerge in connection with the formation of planets.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Calories by the clock? Squeezing most of your calories in early doesn't impact weight loss

Time-restricted eating, which restricts eating to specific hours of the day, did not impact weight among overweight adults with prediabetes or diabetes. Adults in the 12-week study ate the same healthy, pre-prepared foods, however, one group ate the bulk of their calories before 1 p.m. each day, versus the other group that ate 50% of their calories after 5 p.m.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Rivers melt Arctic ice, warming air and ocean

A new study shows that increased heat from Arctic rivers is melting sea ice in the Arctic Ocean and warming the atmosphere.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Sunday 8 November 2020

Baby dinosaurs were 'little adults'

Paleontologists have described for the first time an almost complete skeleton of a juvenile Plateosaurus and discovered that it looked very similar to its parents even at a young age. That could have important implications for how the young animals lived and moved around. The young Plateosaurus, nicknamed 'Fabian', was discovered in 2015 at the Frick fossil site in Switzerland.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

हाथी ने पेश की मानवता की मिशाल, वीडियो देख नम हो जाएंगी आंखें

इस वीडियो को भारतीय वन सेवा के अधिकारी सुशांत नंदा ने सोशल मीडिया ट्विटर पर अपने अकांउट से शेयर किया है। इसके कैप्शन में उन्होंने लिखा है- जब तक हम अपनी चीज़ों को साझा नहीं करते हैं। तब तक हमें इसका अहसास नहीं होता है।

from Jagran Hindi News - news:oddnews

Friday 6 November 2020

About half of Sun-like stars could host rocky, potentially habitable planets

According to new research using data from NASA's retired planet-hunting mission, the Kepler space telescope, about half the stars similar in temperature to our Sun could have a rocky planet capable of supporting liquid water on its surface.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Thursday 5 November 2020

ओवरटेक कर रहे बाइक सवार को ऊंट ने सिखाया ऐसा सबक, वीडियो देख हंसी नहीं रोक पाएंगे

इस वीडियो में ऊंट भी इसी अंदाज में बाइक सवार को यातायात के नियम सिखा रहा है। वीडियो में साफ़ देखा जा रहा है कि दो व्यक्ति कई ऊंटों को एक साथ कहीं ले जा रहे हैं। वीडियो देख ऐसा लगता है कि शायद ऊंट के वाकिंग का समय है।

from Jagran Hindi News - news:oddnews

Early big-game hunters of the Americas were female, researchers suggest

For centuries, historians and scientists mostly agreed that when early human groups sought food, men hunted and women gathered. Not so, say researchers.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Saturday 31 October 2020

भेड़ा से पंगा लेना पड़ा महंगा, वीडियो देख हंसी नहीं रोक पाएंगे

इस वीडियो में भेड़ा यह बताना और जताना चाहता है कि भले ही तुम अपने यहां के शेर हो लेकिन इस इलाके का मैं ही राजा हूं। यहां मेरी इजाजत के बिना परिंदा भी पर नहीं मार सकता है। अगर आए हो तो कायदे में रहो।

from Jagran Hindi News - news:oddnews

Thursday 29 October 2020

कौए ने बच्चे की तरह की ऐसी शरारत, वीडियो देख आप हैरान हो जाएंगे

इस वीडियो में साफ देखा जा सकता है कि और दिनों की तरह कौआ फिर से मछली लेने आ पहुंचा है। तभी मछली विक्रेता उसे छोटी मछली देता है लेकिन वह उस मछली को नहीं लेता है औह चोंच की मदद से साइड कर देता है।

from Jagran Hindi News - news:oddnews

Touch and taste? It's all in the tentacles

Scientists identified a novel family of sensors in the first layer of cells inside the suction cups that have adapted to react and detect molecules that don't dissolve well in water. The research suggests these sensors, called chemotactile receptors, use these molecules to help the animal figure out what it's touching and whether that object is prey.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Positive outlook predicts less memory decline

A new study finds that people who feel enthusiastic and cheerful -- what psychologists call 'positive affect' -- are less likely to experience memory decline as they age. This result adds to a growing body of research on positive affect's role in healthy aging.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Where were Jupiter and Saturn born?

New work reveals the likely original locations of Saturn and Jupiter. These findings refine our understanding of the forces that determined our Solar System's unusual architecture, including the ejection of an additional planet between Saturn and Uranus, ensuring that only small, rocky planets, like Earth, formed inward of Jupiter.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

A drop in temperature

In the nearly two centuries since 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit (37.0 degrees Celsius) was established as the standard 'normal' body temperature, it has been used as the measure by which fevers have been assessed. Over time, however, lower body temperatures have been widely reported in healthy adults -- for example, in recent studies in the UK and the US. Researchers have now found a similar decrease among the Tsimane, an indigenous population of forager-horticulturists in the Bolivian Amazon.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Tuesday 27 October 2020

For vampire bats, social distancing while sick comes naturally

New research shows that when vampire bats feel sick, they socially distance themselves from groupmates in their roost -- no public health guidance required.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Monday 26 October 2020

NASA's SOFIA discovers water on sunlit surface of Moon

NASA's Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA) has confirmed, for the first time, water on the sunlit surface of the Moon. This discovery indicates that water may be distributed across the lunar surface, and not limited to cold, shadowed places.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Saturday 24 October 2020

बीमार रावण की एम्बुलेंस ड्राइवर ने ऐसे की मदद, वीडियो देख अपनी हंसी नहीं रोक पाएंगे

इस वीडियो में साफ देखा जा रहा है कि एक एम्बुलेंस रावण के पुतले को बड़ी तेजी से ले जा रहा है। वीडियो देख मानो लगता है कि रावण बीमार है और उसे तत्काल आपातकाल उपचार की जरूरत है। इसके लिए एम्बुलेंस सेवा में प्रयासरत है।

from Jagran Hindi News - news:oddnews

Friday 23 October 2020

NASA's OSIRIS-REx spacecraft collects significant amount of asteroid

Two days after touching down on asteroid Bennu, NASA's OSIRIS-REx mission team received on Thursday, Oct. 22, images that confirm the spacecraft has collected more than enough material to meet one of its main mission requirements -- acquiring at least 2 ounces (60 grams) of the asteroid's surface material.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Thursday 22 October 2020

डॉगी को छेड़ना पड़ा महंगा, वीडियो देख हंसते-हंसते लोटपोट हो जाएंगे

इस वीडियो में साफ देखा जा रहा है कि एक व्यक्ति किसी केयर टेकर जगह पर है। जहां एक साथ कई डॉगी पिंजरे में बंद हैं। वीडियो देख पता चलता है कि मानो सभी आराम फरमा रहे हैं। तभी व्यक्ति के मन में शरारत सूझती है।

from Jagran Hindi News - news:oddnews

Humans are born with brains 'prewired' to see words

Humans are born with a part of the brain that is prewired to be receptive to seeing words and letters, setting the stage at birth for people to learn how to read, a new study suggests. Analyzing brain scans of newborns, researchers found that this part of the brain -- called the 'visual word form area' (VWFA) -- is connected to the language network of the brain.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Smile, wave: Some exoplanets may be able to see us, too

Three decades after astronomer Carl Sagan suggested that Voyager 1 snap Earth's picture from billions of miles away -- resulting in the iconic Pale Blue Dot photograph - two astronomers now offer another unique cosmic perspective: Some exoplanets -- planets from beyond our own solar system - have a direct line of sight to observe Earth's biological qualities from far, far away.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Turbulent era sparked leap in human behavior, adaptability 320,000 years ago

The first analysis of a sedimentary drill core representing 1 million years of environmental history in the East African Rift Valley shows that at the same time early humans were abandoning old tools in favor of more sophisticated technology and broadening their trade, their landscape was experiencing frequent fluctuations in vegetation and water supply that made resources less reliably available. The findings suggest that instability in their landscape was a key driver of human adaptability.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Wednesday 21 October 2020

ALMA shows volcanic impact on Io's atmosphere

New radio images from ALMA show for the first time the direct effect of volcanic activity on the atmosphere of Jupiter's moon Io.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Tuesday 20 October 2020

NASA's OSIRIS-REx spacecraft successfully touches asteroid

NASA's Origins, Spectral Interpretation, Resource Identification, Security, Regolith Explorer (OSIRIS-REx) spacecraft unfurled its robotic arm Tuesday, and in a first for the agency, briefly touched an asteroid to collect dust and pebbles from the surface for delivery to Earth in 2023.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Hot-button words trigger conservatives and liberals differently

Researchers have linked a brain region to what they call neural polarization, offering a glimpse into the partisan brain in the weeks leading up to what is arguably the most consequential U.S. presidential election in modern history.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Monday 19 October 2020

किंग कॉन्ग स्टाइल में चिंपैंजी ने लोगों को यूं सिखाया सबक, वीडियो देख लोग दे रहे हैं शाबाशी

इस वीडियो में साफ़ देखा जा रहा है कि एक चिंपैंजी किसी जू में है। इस चिंपैंजी को देखने कई लोग पिंजरे के बाहर खड़े हैं। कुछ लोग सेल्फी ले रहे हैं तो कुछ लोग चिंपैंजी को चिढ़ा रहे हैं।

from Jagran Hindi News - news:oddnews

Magnetic fields on the moon are the remnant of an ancient core dynamo

A long discussed theory about the local magnetic spots of the moon suggests that they are the result of magnetization processes caused by impacts of massive bodies on the moon surface. A new study now shows that the Moon must have had an internal core dynamo in the past.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Saturday 17 October 2020

बंदरों ने तालाब में मचाया ऐसा उत्पात, वीडियो देख बचपन की यादें ताजा हो जाएंगी

सोशल मीडिया पर एक वीडियो वायरल हो रहा है जिसे देख बचपन की यादें ताजा हो जाएंगी। इस वीडियो में साफ देखा जा रहा है कि किसी जंगल में कुछ बंदर गर्मी से बचने के लिए अजीबोगरीब हरकत कर रहे हैं। उनकी ये हरकत बच्चों से बिल्कुल मिलती जुलती है।

from Jagran Hindi News - news:oddnews

Octopus-inspired sucker transfers thin, delicate tissue grafts and biosensors

Thin tissue grafts and flexible electronics have a host of applications for wound healing, regenerative medicine and biosensing. A new device inspired by an octopus's sucker rapidly transfers delicate tissue or electronic sheets to the patient, overcoming a key barrier to clinical application.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Ground-breaking discovery finally proves rain really can move mountains

A pioneering technique which captures precisely how mountains bend to the will of raindrops has helped solve a long-standing scientific enigma.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Pinpointing the 'silent' mutations that gave the coronavirus an evolutionary edge

Researchers have identified a number of 'silent' mutations in the roughly 30,000 letters of the COVID-19 virus's genetic code that helped it thrive once it made the leap from bats and other wildlife to humans -- and possibly helped set the stage for the global pandemic.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Reviving cells after a heart attack

Researchers have unraveled potential mechanisms behind the healing power of extracellular vesicles and demonstrated their capacity to not only revive cells after a heart attack but keep cells functioning while deprived of oxygen during a heart attack. The researchers demonstrated this functionality in human tissue using a heart-on-a-chip with embedded sensors that continuously tracked the contractions of the tissue.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

A billion tiny pendulums could detect the universe's missing mass

Researchers have proposed a novel method for finding dark matter, the cosmos' mystery material that has eluded detection for decades.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Friday 16 October 2020

Biggest carbon dioxide drop: Real-time data show COVID-19's massive impact on global emissions

While the ongoing coronavirus pandemic continues to threaten millions of lives around the world, the first half of 2020 saw an unprecedented decline in carbon dioxide emissions -- larger than during the financial crisis of 2008, the oil crisis of the 1979, or even World War II.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Thursday 15 October 2020

जब ऊंटों ने शेख के साथ किया 'या हबीबी' डांस, वीडियो देख हंसते-हंसते लोटपोट हो जाएंगे

इस वीडियो को भारतीय वन सेवा के अधिकारी सुशांत नंदा ने सोशल मीडिया ट्विटर पर अपने अकांउट से शेयर किया है। इस वीडियो को खबर लिखे जाने तक तकरीबन 8 हजार से अधिक लोग देख चुके हैं और 1 हजार से अधिक लोगों ने लाइक किया है ।

from Jagran Hindi News - news:oddnews

Monday 12 October 2020

ESO telescopes record last moments of star devoured by a black hole

Astronomers have spotted a rare blast of light from a star being ripped apart by a supermassive black hole. The phenomenon, known as a tidal disruption event, is the closest such flare recorded to date at just over 215 million light-years from Earth, and has been studied in unprecedented detail.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Sunday 11 October 2020

लेह के लड़के ने यूं जीता सबका दिल, वीडियो देख लोग दे रहे हैं शाबाशी

बच्चे ने जिस अंदाज में सैनिकों को सलामी दी है। उससे साफ जाहिर है कि बच्चे के मन में सैनिक बनने की तमन्ना है। यह वीडियो लेह के किसी गांव का है जिसे सैनिक ने अपने मोबाइल में रिकॉर्ड किया है।

from Jagran Hindi News - news:oddnews

Thursday 8 October 2020

ऊंट की मदद कर हाथी ने किया कुछ ऐसा, वीडियो देख लोग कह रहे हैं शैतान

यह वीडियो मानवता और भाईचारे को प्रस्तुत करता है। इस वीडियो में हाथी ने जिस तरह से ऊंट की मदद की है वह काबिलेतारीफ है। इस वीडियो में साफ़ देखा जा रहा है कि किसी ज़ू में ऊंट और हाथी एक दूसरे के पड़ोसी है।

from Jagran Hindi News - news:oddnews

Nitrous oxide emissions pose an increasing climate threat, study finds

Rising nitrous oxide emissions are jeopardizing the climate goals of the Paris Agreement, according to a major new study. The growing use of nitrogen fertilizers in the production of food worldwide is increasing atmospheric concentrations of nitrous oxide -- a greenhouse gas 300 times more potent than carbon dioxide that remains in the atmosphere for more than 100 years.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Genomic study reveals evolutionary secrets of banyan tree

The banyan fig tree Ficus microcarpa is famous for its aerial roots, which sprout from branches and eventually reach the soil. The tree also has a unique relationship with a wasp that has coevolved with it and is the only insect that can pollinate it. In a new study, researchers identify regions in the banyan fig's genome that promote the development of its unusual aerial roots and enhance its ability to signal its wasp pollinator.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

New key player in long-term memory

A research team has discovered that during memory consolidation, there are at least two distinct processes taking place in two different brain networks -- the excitatory and inhibitory networks. The excitatory neurons are involved in creating a memory trace, and the inhibitory neurons block out background noise and allow long-term learning to take place.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

New research explores how super flares affect planets' habitability

New research will help astrobiologists understand how much radiation planets experience during super flares and whether life could exist on worlds beyond our solar system.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Why some friends make you feel more supported than others

It's good to have friends and family to back you up when you need it -- but it's even better if your supporters are close with each other too, a new set of studies suggests. Researchers found that people perceived they had more support from a group of friends or family who all knew and liked each other than from an identical number of close relationships who were not linked.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Babies' random choices become their preferences

Though researchers have long known that adults build unconscious biases over a lifetime of making choices between things that are essentially the same, a new study finding that even babies engage in this phenomenon demonstrates that this way of justifying choice is intuitive and somehow fundamental to the human experience.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Wednesday 7 October 2020

Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2020: A method for genome editing

This year's Nobel Prize in Chemistry is being awarded to Emmanuelle Charpentier and Jennifer A. Doudna 'for the development of a method for genome editing.'

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Tuesday 6 October 2020

Remote control of blood sugar: Electromagnetic fields treat diabetes in animal models

Researchers may have discovered a safe new way to manage blood sugar non-invasively. Exposing diabetic mice to a combination of static electric and magnetic fields for a few hours per day normalizes blood sugar and insulin resistance. The unexpected and surprising discovery raises the possibility of using electromagnetic fields (EMFs) as a remote control to manage type 2 diabetes.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Previous infection with other types of coronaviruses may lessen severity of COVID-19

Being previously infected with a coronaviruses that cause the 'common cold' may decrease the severity of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) infections, according to a new study.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Nobel Prize in Physics 2020: Discoveries about black holes

This year's Nobel Prize in Physics is being awarded to Roger Penrose 'for the discovery that black hole formation is a robust prediction of the general theory of relativity' and jointly to Reinhard Genzel and Andrea Ghez 'for the discovery of a supermassive compact object at the centre of our galaxy.'

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

बंदर ने पेश की मानवता और भाईचारे की मिशाल, वीडियो देख आप हैरान हो जाएंगे

बंदरबांट की कहानी जग प्रसिद्ध है जिसमें दो बिल्ली आपस में एक रोटी के लिए लड़ रही होती हैं। तभी बंदर आकर उनके झगड़े को सुलझाने के क्रम में पूरी रोटी खा जाता है। इससे दोनों बिल्ली निराश हो जाती हैं और उन्हें अपनी गलती का अहसास होता है।

from Jagran Hindi News - news:oddnews

Monday 5 October 2020

ESO telescope spots galaxies trapped in the web of a supermassive black hole

Astronomers have found six galaxies lying around a supermassive black hole when the Universe was less than a billion years old. This is the first time such a close grouping has been seen so soon after the Big Bang and the finding helps us better understand how supermassive black holes formed and grew so quickly. It supports the theory that black holes can grow rapidly within large structures which contain plenty of gas to fuel them.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Hubble watches exploding star fade into oblivion

When a star unleashes as much energy in a matter of days as our Sun does in several billion years, you know it's not going to remain visible for long. Like intergalactic paparazzi, NASA's Hubble Space Telescope captured the quick, fading celebrity status of a supernova, the self-detonation of a star.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2020: Discovery of Hepatitis C virus

The 2020 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine is being awarded jointly to Harvey J. Alter, Michael Houghton and Charles M. Rice for the discovery of Hepatitis C virus.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Saturday 3 October 2020

हाथी के बच्चे के लिए देवदूत बनकर आए वन्य अधिकारी, रेस्क्यू ऑपरेशन का वीडियो वायरल

इस वीडियो में साफ देखा जा रहा है कि वन्य अधिकारी की एक टीम हाथी के छोटे बच्चे को एक गड्डे से निकाल रही है। इससे पहले हाथी का बच्चा जंगल में विचरण के समय गड्ढे में गिर जाता है।

from Jagran Hindi News - news:oddnews

Thursday 1 October 2020

जब मेट्रो चढ़ते समय व्यक्ति का फिसला पैर, तो लोगों ने ऐसे बचाई जान

इस वीडियो में जिस तरह लोगों ने एकता दिखाई है। वह प्रासंगिक और प्रशंसनीय है। इस वजह से एक व्यक्ति की जान भी बच गई। इस वीडियो में साफ़ देखा जा रहा है कि एक व्यक्ति मेट्रो ट्रेन में चढ़ने की कोशिश कर रहा है।

from Jagran Hindi News - news:oddnews

Dinosaur feather study debunked

A new study provides substantial evidence that the first fossil feather ever to be discovered does belong to the iconic bird-like dinosaur, Archaeopteryx. This debunks a recent theory that the fossil feather originated from a different species.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Can the common cold help protect you from COVID-19?

A new study provides evidence that the seasonal colds you've had in the past could protect you from COVID-19. The study also suggests that immunity to COVID-19 is likely to last a long time -- maybe even a lifetime.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Wednesday 30 September 2020

Modern humans reached westernmost Europe 5,000 years earlier than previously known

Modern humans arrived in westernmost Europe 41,000 to 38,000 years ago, about 5,000 years earlier than previously known, according to an international team of researchers that discovered stone tools used by modern humans dated to the earlier time period in a cave near the Atlantic coast of central Portugal. The tools document the presence of modern humans at a time when Neanderthals were thought to be present in the region.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Plastic-eating enzyme 'cocktail' heralds new hope for plastic waste

The same team who re-engineered the plastic-eating enzyme PETase have now created an enzyme 'cocktail' which can digest plastic up to six times faster.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

The ancient Neanderthal hand in severe COVID-19

Genetic variants that leave their carrier more susceptible to severe COVID-19 are inherited from Neanderthals, a new study finds.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Evidence that prehistoric flying reptiles probably had feathers refuted

Experts have examined the evidence that prehistoric flying reptiles called pterosaurs had feathers and believe they were, in fact, bald.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Validating the physics behind the new fusion experiment

SPARC is planned to be the first experimental device ever to achieve a 'burning plasma' -- a self-sustaining fusion reaction in which different isotopes of the element hydrogen fuse together to form helium, without the need for any further input of energy.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Sunday 27 September 2020

डॉगी ने पेश की मानवता की मिशाल, वीडियो देख आप कहेंगे भई वाह!

इस वीडियो में साफ़ देखा जा रहा है कि एक डॉगी अपने मालिक के साथ है। वीडियो देख ऐसा लगता है मानो डॉगी के मालिक को मछली पालने का शौक है। इसके लिए वह कई मछलियां लेकर आया है जिसे टब में रखा है।

from Jagran Hindi News - news:oddnews

Thursday 24 September 2020

सड़क किनारे खड़ी गाड़ी में घुसा अजगर, वीडियो देख आप हो जाएंगे हैरान

वीडियो देख ऐसा लगता है कि यह घटना किसी हाईवे की है। जंहा एक गाड़ी सड़क किनारे पार्क थी। जबकि हाईवे के पास खुला मैदान है। ऐसा लगता है कि यह सांप रेंगकर खुले मैदान की तरह से आया था।

from Jagran Hindi News - news:oddnews

Some severe COVID-19 cases linked to genetic mutations or antibodies that attack the body

Two new studies offer an explanation for why COVID-19 cases can be so variable. A subset of patients has mutations in key immunity genes; other patients have auto-antibodies that target the same components of the immune system. Both circumstances could contribute to severe forms of the disease.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Monday 21 September 2020

Comet discovered to have its own northern lights

Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko has its own far-ultraviolet aurora, data reveal. It is the first time such electromagnetic emissions in the far-ultraviolet have been documented on a celestial object other than a planet or moon.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

जब केकड़े ने लगाया सिगरेट का कश, वीडियो देख हंसी नहीं रोक पाएंगे आप

इस वीडियो में साफ़ देखा जा रहा है कि कुछ लड़के ( बैकग्राउंड में) धूम्रपान कर रहे हैं। इसके बाद एक लड़का सिगरेट के अवशेष को ज़मीन पर फेंक देता है। उस समय केंकड़ा उधर से गुजर रहा होता है कि तभी उसकी नजर सिगरेट पर पड़ती है।

from Jagran Hindi News - news:oddnews

Saturday 19 September 2020

कोराना से बचने के लिए छोटे बच्चे ने अपने डॉगी के साथ खेला बेसबॉल...

डॉगी ने खड़े होकर थोड़ी एक्सरसाइज की। साथ ही वार्मअप किया। मानो वह कहना चाह रहा था कि चल छोटे आज दो दो हाथ हो जाए।

from Jagran Hindi News - news:oddnews

Friday 18 September 2020

दिव्यांग किसान ने अपनी प्रतिभा का मनवाया लोहा, वीडियो देख नम हो जाएंगी आंखें

इस वीडियो में साफ देखा जा रहा है कि एक दिव्यांग व्यक्ति जो पेशे से किसान है। अपनी प्रतिभा और दक्षता का परिचय दे रहा है।

from Jagran Hindi News - news:oddnews

Thursday 17 September 2020

चिंपैंजी ने वन में जाने से पहले किया कुछ ऐसा, वीडियो देख हो जाएंगे हैरान

इस वीडियो को भारतीय वन सेवा के अधिकारी सुशांत नंदा ने सोशल मीडिया ट्विटर पर अपने अकांउट से शेयर किया है।

from Jagran Hindi News - news:oddnews

Wednesday 16 September 2020

Ancient volcanoes once boosted ocean carbon, but humans are now far outpacing them

A new study of an ancient period that is considered the closest natural analog to the era of modern human carbon emissions has found that massive volcanism sent great waves of carbon into the oceans over thousands of years -- but that nature did not come close to matching what humans are doing today.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Monday 14 September 2020

लड़के ने शूज शॉप पर किया कुछ ऐसा, वीडियो देख आप अपनी हंसी नहीं रोक पाएंगे

इस वीडियो में साफ़ देखा जा रहा है कि एक बड़े मॉल में किसी शूज शॉप पर एक लड़का जूता खरीदने आता है।

from Jagran Hindi News - news:oddnews

Possible marker of life spotted on venus

Astronomers have discovered a rare molecule -- phosphine -- in the clouds of Venus. On Earth, this gas is only made industrially or by microbes that thrive in oxygen-free environments. Astronomers have speculated for decades that high clouds on Venus could offer a home for microbes -- floating free of the scorching surface but needing to tolerate very high acidity. The detection of phosphine could point to such extra-terrestrial 'aerial' life.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Sunday 13 September 2020

टोयोटो के मालिक Akio Toyoda ने दी ऐसी सौगात, खुशी से झूम उठे छात्र व छात्राएं

इस वीडियो में साफ देखा जा रहा है कि Babson College की 100 वीं वर्षगांठ पर भव्य आयोजन किया गया है। इस भव्य समारोह में दुनियाभर के जानी-मानी हस्तियों को बुलाया गया है।

from Jagran Hindi News - news:oddnews

Saturday 12 September 2020

Today's Top 10 Backless Beauties

Friday 11 September 2020

व्यक्ति ने पेश की मानवता की मिशाल, वीडियो देख आपकी आंखें छलक उठेंगी

इस वीडियो में साफ़ देखा जा रहा है कि एक वृद्ध व्यक्ति भूमिगत मेट्रो में सफर कर रहा है। उसके बदन पर कपड़े नहीं हैं और वह बिल्कुल असहाय है।

from Jagran Hindi News - news:oddnews

Thursday 10 September 2020

High-fidelity record of Earth's climate history puts current changes in context

Scientists have compiled a continuous, high-fidelity record of variations in Earth's climate extending 66 million years into the past. The record reveals four distinctive climate states, which the researchers dubbed Hothouse, Warmhouse, Coolhouse, and Icehouse. These major climate states persisted for millions and sometimes tens of millions of years, and within each one the climate shows rhythmic variations corresponding to changes in Earth's orbit around the sun.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

New Hubble data suggests there is an ingredient missing from current dark matter theories

Recent observations have found that something may be missing from the theories of how dark matter behaves. This missing ingredient may explain why researchers have uncovered an unexpected discrepancy between observations of the dark matter concentrations in a sample of massive galaxy clusters and theoretical computer simulations of how dark matter should be distributed in clusters.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

How coronavirus took hold in North America and in Europe

Early interventions were effective at stamping out coronavirus infections before they spread, according to a new study. Combining virus genomics with epidemiologic simulations and travel records, the research shows that in both the United States and in Europe, sustained transmission networks became established only after separate introductions of the virus that went undetected.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

COVID-19 study links strict social distancing to much lower chance of infection

Using public transportation, visiting a place of worship, or otherwise traveling from the home is associated with a significantly higher likelihood of testing positive with the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, while practicing strict social distancing is associated with a markedly lower likelihood.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

हाथी ने सेल्फी गर्ल को सिखाया ऐसा सबक, वीडियो देख हंसते-हंसते हो जाएंगे लोटपोट

इस वीडियो को भारतीय वन सेवा के अधिकारी सुशांत नंदा ने सोशल मीडिया ट्विटर पर अपने अकांउट से शेयर किया है।

from Jagran Hindi News - news:oddnews

Wednesday 9 September 2020

Unconscious learning underlies belief in God, study suggests

Individuals who can unconsciously predict complex patterns, an ability called implicit pattern learning, are likely to hold stronger beliefs that there is a god who creates patterns of events in the universe, according to neuroscientists.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Sunday 6 September 2020

दिव्यांग व्यक्ति ने हवा में की ऐसी कलाबाजी, वीडियो देख लोग दे रहे हैं शाबाशी

इस वीडियो में साफ़ देखा जा रहा है कि एक दिव्यांग व्यक्ति स्केटबोर्ड की मदद से हवा में अपना करतब दिखा रहा है। वह व्यक्ति अपने पैर से भले ही मजबूर है लेकिन उसके हौसले बुलंद है।

from Jagran Hindi News - news:oddnews

Saturday 5 September 2020

Europe's largest Solar Telescope GREGOR unveils magnetic details of the Sun

GREGOR, the largest solar telescope in Europe, has obtained unprecedented images of the fine-structure of the Sun. Following a major redesign of GREGOR's optics, the Sun can be observed at a higher resolution than before from Europe.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Thursday 3 September 2020

व्यक्ति ने अपनी जान पर खेलकर भेड़िए की बचाई जान, वीडियो देख हो जाएंगे हैरान

जब भेड़िया आजाद हो जाता है तो एक पल के लिए व्यक्ति की तरफ देखता है और फिर नौ दो ग्यारह हो जाता है। मानो वह व्यक्ति को धन्यवाद कहना चाहता था।

from Jagran Hindi News - news:oddnews

True size of prehistoric mega-shark finally revealed

A new study has revealed the size of the legendary giant shark Megalodon, including fins that are as large as an adult human.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Has Earth's oxygen rusted the Moon for billions of years?

To the surprise of many planetary scientists, the oxidized iron mineral hematite has been discovered at high latitudes on the Moon.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Wednesday 2 September 2020

A 'bang' in LIGO and Virgo detectors signals most massive gravitational-wave source yet

Researchers have detected a signal from what may be the most massive black hole merger yet observed in gravitational waves. The product of the merger is the first clear detection of an 'intermediate-mass' black hole, with a mass between 100 and 1,000 times that of the sun.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

Monday 31 August 2020

Researchers discover a specific brain circuit damaged by social isolation during childhood

Researchers have identified specific sub-populations of brain cells in the prefrontal cortex, a key part of the brain that regulates social behavior, that are required for normal sociability in adulthood and are profoundly vulnerable to juvenile social isolation in mice.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily

भालू के लिए देवदूत बनकर आए वन्य अधिकारी, रेस्क्यू ऑपरेशन का वीडियो वायरल

वन विभाग के कर्मचारी भालू को बचाने के लिए रेस्क्यू मिशन चलाते हैं। इस मिशन में सीढ़ी और मशाल का सहारा लिया जाता है।

from Jagran Hindi News - news:oddnews

Sunday 30 August 2020

बत्तख ने रविवार के दिन की ऐसी एक्सरसाइज, वीडियो देख हैरान हो जाएंगे

इस वीडियो को भारतीय वन सेवा के अधिकारी ने सोशल मीडिया ट्विटर पर अपने अकांउट से शेयर किया है। इसके कैप्शन में उन्होंने लिखा है-लोगों का मूड रविवार के दिन कुछ ऐसा ही रहता है।

from Jagran Hindi News - news:oddnews

Friday 28 August 2020

कबूतर को किक मारने में औंधे मुंह गिरा लड़का, वीडयो देख हंसी नहीं रोक पाएंगे

इस वीडियो को भारतीय वन सेवा के अधिकारी सुशांत नंदा ने सोशल मीडिया ट्विटर पर अपने अकांउट से शेयर किया है। इसके कैप्शन में उन्होंने लिखा है- कई बार कर्म का फल बड़ी जल्दी मिल जाता है।

from Jagran Hindi News - news:oddnews