Astronomers using ESO's SPHERE instrument at the Very Large Telescope (VLT) have revealed that the asteroid Hygiea could be classified as a dwarf planet. The object is the fourth largest in the asteroid belt after Ceres, Vesta and Pallas. For the first time, astronomers have observed Hygiea in sufficiently high resolution to study its surface and determine its shape and size. They found that Hygiea is spherical, potentially taking the crown from Ceres as the smallest dwarf planet in the solar system.
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Monday, 28 October 2019
Dolphins demonstrate coordinated cooperation
Researchers investigated the cooperative abilities of dolphins. Utilizing a simplified Hirata Task, the team found that dolphins coordinated their behavior to work together on a shared task. Specifically, the 'initiator' would wait on their partner and the 'follower' would coordinate their swimming speed to match the initiator's behavior.
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Viral Video: कार चालक बनकर आई 'देवदूत', 3 लोगों की मौत को दे दी मात

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Sunday, 27 October 2019
By targeting flu-enabling protein, antibody may protect against wide-ranging strains
A team of researchers has found an antibody that protects mice against a wide range of potentially lethal influenza viruses, advancing efforts to design of a universal vaccine that could either treat or protect people against all strains of the virus.
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Engineers develop a new way to remove carbon dioxide from air
A new way of removing carbon dioxide from a stream of air could provide a significant tool in the battle against climate change. The new system can work on the gas at virtually any concentration level, even down to the roughly 400 parts per million currently found in the atmosphere.
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Putting the 'bang' in the Big Bang
Physicists have simulated in detail an intermediary phase of the early universe that may have bridged cosmic inflation with the Big Bang. This phase, known as 'reheating,' occurred at the end of cosmic inflation and involved processes that wrestled inflation's cold, uniform matter into the ultrahot, complex soup that was in place at the start of the Big Bang.
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New measurement of Hubble constant adds to cosmic mystery
New measurements of the rate of expansion of the universe add to a growing mystery: Estimates of a fundamental constant made with different methods keep giving different results.
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Micromotors push around single cells and particles
A new type of micromotor -- powered by ultrasound and steered by magnets -- can move around individual cells and microscopic particles in crowded environments without damaging them. In one demonstration, a micromotor pushed around silica particles to spell out letters. Researchers also controlled the micromotors to climb up microsized blocks and stairs, demonstrating their ability to move over three dimensional obstacles.
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Did an extraterrestrial impact trigger the extinction of ice-age animals?
Based on research at White Pond near Elgin, South Carolina, archaeologists present new evidence of a controversial theory that suggests an extraterrestrial body crashing to Earth almost 13,000 years ago caused the extinction of many large animals and a probable population decline in early humans.
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Thursday, 24 October 2019
New data on the evolution of plants and origin of species
There are over 500,000 plant species in the world today. They all evolved from a common ancestor. How this leap in biodiversity happened is still unclear. Researchers now present the results of a unique project on the evolution of plants. Using genetic data from 1,147 species the team created the most comprehensive evolutionary tree for green plants to date.
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Viral Video: किसान के घर में निकला दोमुंहा सांप, वीडियो हो रहा है वायरल

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Wednesday, 23 October 2019
Achieving quantum supremacy
Researchers have made good on their claim to quantum supremacy. Using 53 entangled quantum bits ('qubits'), their Sycamore computer has taken on -- and solved -- a problem considered intractable for classical computers.
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Monday, 21 October 2019
'Artificial leaf' successfully produces clean gas
A widely-used gas that is currently produced from fossil fuels can instead be made by an 'artificial leaf' that uses only sunlight, carbon dioxide and water, and which could eventually be used to develop a sustainable liquid fuel alternative to gasoline.
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Mars once had salt lakes similar to those on Earth
Mars once had salt lakes that are similar to those on Earth and has gone through wet and dry periods.
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Schools of molecular 'fish' could improve display screens
Researchers are using liquid crystals to create incredibly small, swirling schools of 'fish.' The fish in this case are minute disruptions in the orientations of the molecules that make up solutions of liquid crystals.
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Gimme six! Researchers discover aye-aye's extra finger
The world's weirdest little primate has gotten even weirder, thanks to the discovery of a tiny extra digit. Aye-ayes possess small 'pseudothumbs' -- complete with their own fingerprints --- that may help them grip objects and branches as they move through trees. This is the first accessory digit ever found in a primate.
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Friday, 18 October 2019
Lifestyle is a threat to gut bacteria: Ötzi proves it, study shows
The evolution of dietary and hygienic habits in Western countries is associated with a decrease in the bacteria that help in digestion. These very bacteria were also found in the Iceman, who lived 5300 years ago, and are still present in non-Westernized populations in various parts of the world. The depletion of the microbiome may be associated with the increased prevalence, in Western countries, of complex conditions like allergies, autoimmune and gastrointestinal diseases, obesity.
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Ancient stars shed light on Earth's similarities to other planets
Earth-like planets may be common in the universe, a new study implies. The team of astrophysicists and geochemists presents new evidence that the Earth is not unique.
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Arthropods formed orderly lines 480 million years ago
Researchers studied fossilized Moroccan Ampyx trilobites, which lived 480 million years ago and showed that the trilobites had probably been buried in their positions -- all oriented in the same direction. Scientists deduced that these Ampyx processions may illustrate a kind of collective behavior adopted in response to cyclic environmental disturbances.
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In a first, scientists pinpoint neural activity's role in human longevity
Researchers discover that the activity of the nervous system might influence human longevity. Neural excitation linked to shorter life, while suppression of overactivity appears to extend life span. Protein REST, previously shown to protect aging brains from dementia and other diseases, emerges as a key player in molecular cascade related to aging. Findings suggest future avenues for intervention in diseases ranging from Alzheimer's to bipolar disorder.
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रणथम्बोर में नूर के लिए भिड़ गए दो बाघ, खौफनाक लड़ाई का वीडियो वायरल!

from Jagran Hindi News - news:oddnews
Thursday, 17 October 2019
Daily exposure to blue light may accelerate aging, even if it doesn't reach your eyes
Prolonged exposure to blue light, such as that which emanates from your phone, computer and household fixtures, could be affecting your longevity, even if it's not shining in your eyes. New research suggests that the blue wavelengths produced by light-emitting diodes damage cells in the brain as well as retinas, according to a new study in a model organism.
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Hubble observes first confirmed interstellar comet
Hubble has given astronomers their best look yet at an interstellar visitor -- comet 2I/Borisov -- whose speed and trajectory indicate it has come from beyond our solar system. Comet 2I/Borisov is only the second such interstellar object known to have passed through the solar system.
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Scientists find early humans moved through Mediterranean earlier than believed
Scientists have unearthed new evidence in Greece proving that the island of Naxos was inhabited by Neanderthals and earlier humans at least 200,000 years ago, tens of thousands of years earlier than previously believed.
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Gas 'waterfalls' reveal infant planets around young star
For the first time, astronomers have witnessed 3D motions of gas in a planet-forming disk. At three locations in the disk around a young star called HD 163296, gas is flowing like a waterfall into gaps that are most likely caused by planets in formation. These gas flows have long been predicted and would directly influence the chemical composition of planet atmospheres.
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Tuesday, 15 October 2019
पुलिसवाले के कंधे पर बैठा बंदर, फिर भी काम में है तल्लीन, वीडियो हुआ वायरल

from Jagran Hindi News - news:oddnews
Monday, 14 October 2019
How mucus tames microbes
New research reveals that glycans -- branched sugar molecules found in mucus -- can prevent bacteria from communicating with each other and forming infectious biofilms, effectively rendering the microbes harmless.
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Black holes stunt growth of dwarf galaxies
Astronomers have discovered that powerful winds driven by supermassive black holes in the centers of dwarf galaxies have a significant impact on the evolution of these galaxies by suppressing star formation.
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Thursday, 10 October 2019
Prehistoric humans ate bone marrow like canned soup 400,000 years ago
Researchers have uncovered evidence of the storage and delayed consumption of animal bone marrow at Qesem Cave near Tel Aviv. The research provides direct evidence that early Paleolithic people saved animal bones for up to nine weeks before feasting on them inside the cave.
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Ice on lunar south pole may have more than one source
New research sheds light on the ages of ice deposits reported in the area of the Moon's south pole -- information that could help identify the sources of the deposits and help in planning future human exploration.
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Koala epidemic provides lesson in how DNA protects itself from viruses
In animals, infections are fought by the immune system. Studies on an unusual virus infecting wild koalas reveal a new form of 'genome immunity.'
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New cancer-driving mutation in 'dark matter' of the cancer genome
A research group has discovered a novel cancer-driving mutation in the vast non-coding regions of the human cancer genome, also known as the 'dark matter' of human cancer DNA.
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Humans have salamander-like ability to regrow cartilage in joints
Contrary to popular belief, cartilage in human joints can repair itself through a process similar to that used by creatures such as salamanders and zebrafish to regenerate limbs, researchers have found.
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प्लास्टिक यानी मौत: आपको सोचने पर मजबूर कर देगी यह तस्वीर, जरूर पढ़ें यह खबर

from Jagran Hindi News - news:oddnews
Wednesday, 9 October 2019
Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2019: Lithium-ion batteries
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2019 is being awarded to John B. Goodenough, M. Stanley Whittingham, and Akira Yoshino "for the development of lithium-ion batteries."
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Tuesday, 8 October 2019
Dog ownership associated with longer life, especially among heart attack and stroke survivors
Dog ownership was associated with a 33% lower risk of early death for heart attack survivors living alone and 27% reduced risk of early death for stroke survivors living alone, compared to people who did not own a dog. Dog ownership was associated with a 24% reduced risk of all-cause mortality and a 31% lower risk of death by heart attack or stroke compared to non-owners.
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2019 Nobel Prize in Physics: Evolution of the universe and discovery of exoplanet orbiting solar-type star
This year's Nobel Prize in Physics is being awarded "for contributions to our understanding of the evolution of the universe and Earth's place in the cosmos," with one half to James Peebles "for theoretical discoveries in physical cosmology" and the other half jointly to Michel Mayor and Didier Queloz "for the discovery of an exoplanet orbiting a solar-type star."
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Durga Puja 2019: गुवाहाटी में यह दुर्गा पंडाल और मूर्ति है बेहद खास, जानकर आप भी कह उठेंगे- वाह

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Monday, 7 October 2019
Saturn surpasses Jupiter after the discovery of 20 new moons
Move over Jupiter; Saturn is the new moon king. A team has found 20 new moons orbiting Saturn. This brings the ringed planet's total number of moons to 82, surpassing Jupiter, which has 79.
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The last mammoths died on a remote island
Isolation, extreme weather, and the possible arrival of humans may have killed off the holocene herbivores just 4,000 years ago.
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Not long ago, the center of the Milky Way exploded
A titanic, expanding beam of energy sprang from close to the supermassive black hole in the center of the Milky Way just 3.5 million years ago, sending a cone-shaped burst of radiation through both poles of the galaxy and out into deep space.
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NASA's Curiosity Rover finds an ancient oasis on Mars
If you could travel back in time 3.5 billion years, what would Mars look like? The picture is evolving among scientists working with NASA's Curiosity rover.
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Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2019: How cells sense and adapt to oxygen availability
The 2019 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine is being awarded jointly to William G. Kaelin Jr., Sir Peter J. Ratcliffe and Gregg L. Semenza for identifying molecular machinery that regulates the activity of genes in response to varying levels of oxygen.
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Thursday, 3 October 2019
An India-Pakistan nuclear war could kill millions, threaten global starvation
A nuclear war between India and Pakistan could, over the span of less than a week, kill 50-125 million people -- more than the death toll during all six years of World War II, according to new research.
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Face ID Viral Video: बीवी के कहने पर फोन नहीं किया अनलॉक, पति की आई शामत!

from Jagran Hindi News - news:oddnews
Wednesday, 2 October 2019
Amputees merge with their bionic leg
Scientists have helped three amputees merge with their bionic prosthetic legs as they climb over various obstacles without having to look. The amputees report using and feeling their bionic leg as part of their own body, thanks to sensory feedback from the prosthetic leg that is delivered to nerves in the leg's stump.
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Environmental toxins impair immune system over multiple generations
New research shows that maternal exposure to a common and ubiquitous form of industrial pollution can harm the immune system of offspring and that this injury is passed along to subsequent generations, weakening the body's defenses against infections such as the influenza virus.
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Children told lies by parents subsequently lie more as adults, face adjustment difficulty
'If you don't behave, I'll call the police,' is a lie that parents might use to get their young children to behave. Parents' lies elicit compliance in the short term, but a new psychology study suggests that they are associated with detrimental effects when the child becomes an adult.
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No evidence that power posing works
Striking a power pose before an important meeting or interview is not going to boost your confidence or make you feel more powerful, says a researcher. A psychology professor reviewed nearly 40 studies on the topic and found not a single one supports the claims that power posing works.
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Machine learning predicts behavior of biological circuits
Biomedical engineers have devised a machine learning approach to modeling the interactions between complex variables in engineered bacteria that would otherwise be too cumbersome to predict. Their algorithms are generalizable to many kinds of biological systems.
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Aspirin may halve air pollution harms
A new study is the first to report evidence that nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like aspirin may lessen the adverse effects of air pollution exposure on lung function. The researchers found that the use of any NSAID nearly halved of the effect of PM on lung function, with the association consistent across all four weekly air pollution measurements from same-day to 28 days prior to the lung function test.
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The violent history of the big galaxy next door
Astronomers have pieced together the cannibalistic past of our neighboring large galaxy Andromeda, which has now set its sights on the Milky Way as its next main course.
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CRISPRed fruit flies mimic monarch butterfly, and could make you vomit
Monarch butterflies and a few other insects evolved essentially the same genetic mutations allowing them to eat toxic milkweed without getting sick. Monarch butterflies and caterpillars store the toxins to deter predators. Scientists have now used CRISPR gene editing to make these same mutations in fruit flies, successfully conferring toxin resistance. This is the first time an animal has been genetically engineered to eat a new food and employ a new type of deterrence.
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Tuesday, 1 October 2019
Molecular basis of vision revealed
Researchers have solved the three-dimensional structure of a protein complex involved in vertebrate vision at atomic resolution, a finding that has broad implications for our understanding of biological signaling processes and the design of over a third of the drugs on the market today.
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A planet that should not exist
Astronomers detected a giant planet orbiting a small star. The planet has much more mass than theoretical models predict.
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Fruit flies live longer with combination drug treatment
A triple drug combination has been used to extend the lifespan of fruit flies by 48 percent in a new study.
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Mechanisms of real-time speech interpretation in the human brain revealed
Scientists have come a step closer to understanding how we're able to understand spoken language so rapidly, and it involves a huge and complex set of computations in the brain.
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Brave new world: Simple changes in intensity of weather events 'could be lethal'
Faced with extreme weather events and unprecedented environmental change, animals and plants are scrambling to catch up -- with mixed results. A new model helps to predict the types of changes that could drive a given species to extinction.
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A new concept could make more environmentally friendly batteries possible
A new concept for an aluminium battery has twice the energy density as previous versions, is made of abundant materials, and could lead to reduced production costs and environmental impact. The idea has potential for large scale applications, including storage of solar and wind energy.
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How to dismantle a nuclear bomb
MIT team successfully tests a new method for verification of weapons reduction.
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Life's building blocks may have formed in interstellar clouds
An experiment shows that one of the basic units of life -- nucleobases -- could have originated within giant gas clouds interspersed between the stars.
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Leopard Viral Photo: सोशल मीडिया में वायरल हो रही यह इमेज, फोटो में तेंदुआ ढूंढो

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